Post something from "way back when"...

My old band, Five Sins Ago, 2 weeks after our singer quit and I took over with that mess coming out my throat. This was a battle of the bands that we knew we didn’t have much of a shot in but this venue is where the national acts play before they’re shed/arena level and the prize was a string of shows at or around the Hard Rock (the giant Les Paul hotel). 2007.

We watched the place empty out in droves after certain bands left, that floor was full earlier in the day, we stopped caring as much and went to our normal drinking routine and got the promoter absolutely wrecked, we got 2nd place. :rofl It was the best move we ever made because that guy booked us all over the place after that night. Never once got our name right.

Edit- the Nacho I mention on here occasionally is the chicken wing flappin’ mawfucka on the left.
My personal favorites from 8-9 years ago:

Funk Monster (first song I ever released - Oct 31, 2014 - Lyric video)
Who Got Funk? ("It's All About Funk" album - Jan 28, 2015)
Corner of Funk & Boogie ("It's All About Funk" album - Jan 28, 2015)
Luna Funk ("Funkaholics Unanimous" album- Oct 31, 2015)
Funkaholics Unanimous (title track "Funkaholics Unanimous" album- Oct 31, 2015)

Youtube link (no videos, just music):
Lyric video: "Funkers Dozen"
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My old band, Five Sins Ago, 2 weeks after our singer quit and I took over with that mess coming out my throat. This was a battle of the bands that we knew we didn’t have much of a shot in but this venue is where the national acts play before they’re shed/arena level and the prize was a string of shows at or around the Hard Rock (the giant Les Paul hotel). 2007.

We watched the place empty out in droves after certain bands left, that floor was full earlier in the day, we stopped caring as much and went to our normal drinking routine and got the promoter absolutely wrecked, we got 2nd place. :rofl It was the best move we ever made because that guy booked us all over the place after that night. Never once got our name right.

Edit- the Nacho I mention on here occasionally is the chicken wing flappin’ mawfucka on the left.

Love the stand up bass!!!!!
From the "Songs I've never heard anyone cover" file. Recorded in 2002, and mixed in 2014 when I was learning to use Sonar.
The opposite of @JiveTurkey : I'm playing the trombone solo on guitar. :sofa

Our drummer kept fucking up the ending. So I incorporated him yelling and throwing his sticks at the wall in to the track. :rofl

Always loved that tune !

This is from my Unplugged Period. Hurt myself pretty bad in 1992-3 and ended up
having to give up Electric Guitar completely. So I strummed Cowboy Chords and
wrote songs for 10 years or so. This is from the tail end of that time period, around

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From the "Songs I've never heard anyone cover" file. Recorded in 2002, and mixed in 2014 when I was learning to use Sonar.
The opposite of @JiveTurkey : I'm playing the trombone solo on guitar. :sofa

Our drummer kept fucking up the ending. So I incorporated him yelling and throwing his sticks at the wall in to the track. :rofl

That ending is :rofl :rofl :rofl
Is this where the Geezers post stuff from their Almost Glory Days?? :idk

Cool stuff up in here, Gents! :chef
Sounds great. Excellent singing, too!
Thanks. That's me. The one bonus of being forced out of playing Electric is
it made me learn how to do other things. or, at the very least, try.

Funny story. A band I was in in 1989-91 or so used to turn my Mic off at the
board because I was such an horrific background/harmony singer. So I would
stand there and mouth into the Mic, but nothing came out of the FOH. :facepalm

Talk about embarassing! Lit a fire under my ass, though. :LOL:
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