Original Music and Gigging with Modelers

I would think for the average guitarist in a band that plays in rehearsal spaces, bars, and the occasional small club, the most important thing is cutting through the mix and not really tone. That wasn't ever really an issue with Marshall half stacks and bigger Fender combos.
As the keyboardist for the first half of my gigging life I can say that me, my ear drums, and the audience *loved* the guitarist’s shitty tone blaring in our ears for a 20 minute solo on “Dirty Laundry”. Boy did that tone cut.
In my experience the only downside to using modelers live or in rehearsal has been experimenting with new tones. I’ve usually got about enough time to call up a new block with the effect as is before I need to move on. No time to fine tune. So it either works or I just have to turn it off.