OMG..Don’t Cry ..Slash joined the Magnatone’s.

Bill And Ted Air Guitar GIF by Bill & Ted Face the Music
Barf. Crazy Nights is probably the worst KISS album, bar none. Paul learned fuck all from the failure of Dynasty/Unmasked. This was basically the same thing 7-8 years later. Did you think he learned after this? Lol, nah! The next album seemingly would have been produced by Vini Poncia (who produced Dynasty and Unmasked), but likely didn't because Gene and Paul wanted to save money.

This is just conjecture on my part (Vini Poncia producing Hot in the Shade, not the part of them wanting to save money; sprucing up demos pretty much proves that), but based on the fact that 5 out of 15 songs on HITS were co-written by Vini Poncia, just like Dynasty and Unmasked, leads me to believe he would've produced it if money wasn't their main concern. For instance, KISS about cancelled a decent portion of their Crazy Nights tour due to shit sales and let go of their keyboard player.

its the Porsche in the video i remember being enthralled with at that young age, i remember now making my father take me to the Porsche dealer so i could look at the one they had there :ROFLMAO:
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If Rick Derringer = guest guitarist on KISS album


Song title = "God Gave Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo To You"
Bob Kulick > Rick Derringer.

Rick is a swell guitarist, but he gave us, "When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside." Bob gave us kick ass solos on tons of KISS and WASP tracks, as well as Skull, which was a killer group.