NPD x 2: Boss/EVH SDE3000 Mystery Science Theater Edition, JAM Pedals Delay Lama Supreme

I've owned a few delays, and this EVH is one of the best delays in pedal form I have ever heard. It sounds
fucking fantastic. It ramped up my in house rig's tone a solid 10 to 20 percent. It's astounding. :chef
Actually i was referring to the 2290 with that .
The 3000 has an EQ thing the 2290 can't cop.. At least not that over found
Let me be frank. I used an AxeFx fir a decade as my main rig.
Was it the III? I guess it couldn't be, since it hasn't been out that long.
First i stopped using verb, then delay, then the AxeFx.
I might very well be that the 2290 block in the Axe3 is happening...but after Uktra, 2, fx8, ax8 it
those specific units?
doesn't do what the 2290 in one block let alone what the 3009 does.
Have you compared a 2290 pedal to an Axe III?

I haven't, nor compared an AF3 to the EVH pedal, which is why I'm curious as to how they stack up.

I don't know how to dial in really awesome-sounding delays on the Axe III (I've yet to watch Leon's video that Dave mentioned), but Cooper Carter has done so in John Petrucci's rig, and as particular as he is about tone, knowing that he switched from using a 2290 (rack, of course, not the pedal), and the H3000, and whatever PCM he used to use, to using the Axe III to cover all of what those units did, I think is saying the III is certainly capable of fantastic delays.

Actually, I know it is. I saw him on his recent live tour, and I was in the 2nd row, about 25' from his amps, pointing straight at me. Those cascading delays, washing over his solos, were the most glorious-sounding I'd ever heard!! Gave me goose bumps!

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they're the exact ones in presets I'm using today, since FAS issued an updated JP preset in late 2023.

But I also know that there could be certain algos in those new pedals, that you'd really have to know how to deep-dive into some of the back-page parameters, to be able to cop.

I would think the tones are possible; But it could be a matter of, Can you figure out how to make them happen?
Was it the III? I guess it couldn't be, since it hasn't been out that long.

those specific units?

Have you compared a 2290 pedal to an Axe III?

I haven't, nor compared an AF3 to the EVH pedal, which is why I'm curious as to how they stack up.

I don't know how to dial in really awesome-sounding delays on the Axe III (I've yet to watch Leon's video that Dave mentioned), but Cooper Carter has done so in John Petrucci's rig, and as particular as he is about tone, knowing that he switched from using a 2290 (rack, of course, not the pedal), and the H3000, and whatever PCM he used to use, to using the Axe III to cover all of what those units did, I think is saying the III is certainly capable of fantastic delays.

Actually, I know it is. I saw him on his recent live tour, and I was in the 2nd row, about 25' from his amps, pointing straight at me. Those cascading delays, washing over his solos, were the most glorious-sounding I'd ever heard!! Gave me goose bumps!

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they're the exact ones in presets I'm using today, since FAS issued an updated JP preset in late 2023.

But I also know that there could be certain algos in those new pedals, that you'd really have to know how to deep-dive into some of the back-page parameters, to be able to cop.

I would think the tones are possible; But it could be a matter of, Can you figure out how to make them happen?
I obviously listed which ones i used to avoid I haven't used any of the or FM.

I'm sure it does a lovely job emulating it, but not something i have currently any interest in trying.

As for comparing if anything I'd want to compare the 3000, since i only got the 2290 as let's see how this does.
And the 3000 has become my go to, but the 2290 has me use modulation and oddball stuff a lot more. Like square wave on long delays to have the pitch jump around.

As for fantastic delays, most folks seem to like the 2290 for the ducking.
I mean no point in 2024 to get one for that.