NMNBD: Ibanez SR405!


Rock Star
Not My New Bass Day! Son started out with one of the Squier baby P-basses, and while he’s loved it, he’s also grown like a weed, and required a new bass more fitting.

Ibanez SR405. Not my first choice with color (I like the black burst), he really digs it, which is all that matters.

So, believe it or not, it’s going back. Brought it home, cut out. Tech opened it up, and it was a loose molex connector. Okay fine.

Son had it yesterday at summer orchestra performances (they did a Queen medley with him on electric bass) and it fucking cut out again during warmups.

He’s understandably deflated, and wants nothing to do with it now.
What I love about basses is that they are open to being more crazy shapes and colors. I'm eyeing down an Ibanez Mikro right now...
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