New guitar day! Time for the customary wall of text!
I've had a Classic S for about three years and really liked that guitar a lot, but I'm ready for a change. I can't really justify having two bougie high-end guitars at once, so I traded my Classic S for this new Standard Plus. Basswood body with maple top, roasted maple neck and a pau ferro fretboard (nice and dark). I wanted to try a Standard for the smaller / lighter body and the simplified control layout. Also I've always loved Suhr's Bengal Burst finish.
I lived with the strat-style volume knob on my Classic S for a few years but I always wished it wasn't there. It was fine
most of the time, but palm muting the B and High E strings forced me to lift my hand over the knob and that motion was actually starting to strain my wrist and hand in a weird way. I didn't want to mess with Suhr's fancy wiring by trying to remove a tone pot and move everything, so this was an easy solution. It's so nice to play this guitar and not even think about the ergonomics - it just works. This guitar feels about a pound and a half lighter than the old one, so that's a nice bonus.
The pickups are two V60 single coils and an SSH+ humbucker. The SSH+ is hotter than I'm used to but it sounds good. I guess it's kind of like Suhr's version of the JB? I dig it. The V60s are
super bright compared to the V60LPs in the old guitar. When playing my normal Plexi sounds I find that rolling the tone knob back to 7-ish brings it closer to the sound of the LPs. They certainly sound great, just different.
Tuning stability is a bit lame, but who knows how old these strings are. I doubt they're factory strings because whoever put them on used almost a full wind on each tuning post for some reason? With locking tuners??

Hopefully new strings and some nut lube will fix that.
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