Fryette don't have any UK/EU distribution anymore it seems... I'm a Les Paul guy... and I did actually get some proper humbuster cables along with the FC, coz my DIY ones were crap!!Before clicking the link:
New Fryette Cabinet Day?
New Fender Coronado Day?
New F***ing Cable Day?
I wouldn't be against that!!!Now you need a Rackto and an 8 space to clean it up
@Orvillain What is that purple combo?
Hey listen, this is ordered chaos. I promise.If you don't clean your room, you don't get any sweets.
Congrats! Please take a minute to put the amp below the Axe-Fx, it’s unseemly.
Congrats! Please take a minute to put the amp below the Axe-Fx, it’s unseemly.