New MX5 firmware doubles scenes! Gamechanger I tell ya. Game changer

Bob Zaod

Rock Star
I think it also included haunting mids. All kidding aside, going from 3 scenes per patch, to 6 really is a gamechanger. Just did the update and it works a charm!
That's nice! I think these little guys look neat. I can't seem to ever get too excited about picking one up for whatever reason? Can they work as an IR played without an amp model? And does an effect loop take up a block in the available block count you are given?
That's nice! I think these little guys look neat. I can't seem to ever get too excited about picking one up for whatever reason? Can they work as an IR played without an amp model? And does an effect loop take up a block in the available block count you are given?
Yes and yes though I will admit I have done neither yet. I will say the JCM800, Mark IIc+ and Fender Twin are well worth the price of admission on one of these. The effects are pretty good. Delays and verbs are not on par with HX but usable if you aren't into lush soundscapes and such. I'd say I like the Phase 90 better than the HX offering.

I will also say that I have not been satisfied using it as a direct to PA unit. Even with York audio IR's it seems to introduce some odd eq honkiness that I couldnt dial out. Luckily my intent this time was to go direct to the return of my SV MKII and in that context it excels.
Yes and yes though I will admit I have done neither yet. I will say the JCM800, Mark IIc+ and Fender Twin are well worth the price of admission on one of these. The effects are pretty good. Delays and verbs are not on par with HX but usable if you aren't into lush soundscapes and such. I'd say I like the Phase 90 better than the HX offering.

I will also say that I have not been satisfied using it as a direct to PA unit. Even with York audio IR's it seems to introduce some odd eq honkiness that I couldnt dial out. Luckily my intent this time was to go direct to the return of my SV MKII and in that context it excels.
Nice. Good to know if I ever decide to give it a go!
I don't usually do this because I never know what to play but here's a demo of my default patch complete with boomer bends and everything. Phone recording.

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What happened??? I can’t see it???
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