NEW Mesa Boogie 90's Dual Rectifier

I got mine early. Have had for a week. Super happy with it! Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Depends on the person. I’ve always loved the old 2 channels (had Tremoverb, Rev F Dual and Rev G Triple) and didn’t click as much with the MW. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. I never said I was smart. :p

All I can say is that it’s a freaking monster - if Rectos are your thing. I’m running the Traditional 4x12.

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Love it!
It's that fucking Royer 121. One of the worst microphones for high-gain guitar, and people keep insisting on using it!!
and master volume too high. squelchy mess.

I love a Royer, but it's so funny how for it to sound good you basically need it 30dB beneath the main mic to the point you might as well barely use it.
the chappelle show tyrone biggums GIF
I mean, the 90's Recto's are THE sound, and largely what appeared on most albums. and there is a huge demand for this circuit, so it makes sense for Mesa to offer it.

It's strange for me though, because I always associate Mesa with being a forward looking company. It's not like them to appease people like this, before they'd make a totally new amp rather than reissuing an older one. Maybe it was a fault of Mesa before that they couldn't realise when they got something as good as it can possibly get before you lose some magic. IIC+ and 2 Channel Rectifiers captured peoples imaginations more than other amps from those lines.
It's strange for me though, because I always associate Mesa with being a forward looking company. It's not like them to appease people like this, before they'd make a totally new amp rather than reissuing an older one. Maybe it was a fault of Mesa before that they couldn't realise when they got something as good as it can possibly get before you lose some magic. IIC+ and 2 Channel Rectifiers captured peoples imaginations more than other amps from those lines.
I've had very similar thoughts regarding whether they should preserve those couple classics or continue marching forward as they've always done. I've kind of admired their pragmatism to just embrace what they CAN do and always try to push that envelope. I'm not sure we would have as many 3-4 channel amps floating around had Mesa not been innovating all these years. I look at something like the MW and, while I adore my revision G, I see so much utility in what they've added to that package that it would be a travesty to think of a world where they never added all those innovations to that circuit.

I do like being able to celebrate the vintage classics though, which these 2 reissues certainly are. I'll embrace a balance. Continue to innovate, keep the reissues around for the absolute bangers.
I mean, the 90's Recto's are THE sound, and largely what appeared on most albums. and there is a huge demand for this circuit, so it makes sense for Mesa to offer it.

It's strange for me though, because I always associate Mesa with being a forward looking company. It's not like them to appease people like this, before they'd make a totally new amp rather than reissuing an older one. Maybe it was a fault of Mesa before that they couldn't realise when they got something as good as it can possibly get before you lose some magic. IIC+ and 2 Channel Rectifiers captured peoples imaginations more than other amps from those lines.
I think they’re trying to survive in a world that doesn’t want big tube heads anymore. So here are the greatest hits.