NDSP Quad Cortex

Raise your hand if you uploaded this "Mesa Mark V 35" preset with every single one of the goddamned amp profile blocks enabled simultaneously. Ringing eardrums, possibly a blown speaker, and two cats trying to kill each other. Thanks.

Oh man I realized it’s my preset you’re talking about lmao I’m sorry 😭 I just threw them up there to share, didn’t even check that they were enabled or not.
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In this situation I think it’s like “the gun you just gave me had a round in the chamber and I shot my damn leg by accident” and I’d say “you shoulda treated it like it was loaded!” 😂
I preferred the previous post, where you said, "I'm sorry". :hmm

My FR10 wasn't even turned up particularly loud, but the output of your preset vs. the others I'd been previewing was like 1000X. One little tap on the screen and the room just f***ing exploded.