NAM: Neural Amp Modeler

That's a slick board!

It'll be even slicker if he gets some more EQ options on there! I really enjoy having such a simple setup though - there's not much to tweak and I like it that way for practice and live, distraction free. I can swap the tonex in directly as a quick backup too. I tried pairing it with my gt1000 core for fun and it also works great with that. RTL of less then 2ms for that entire comination, and no level/noise issues!

Even though it's all done via USB stick, it still actually feels smoother than using tonex app, btw! Certainly appreciate being able to use captures and store/organize them on my PC as I like instead of the cloud and awkward local database system.
Hey mates, how do you deal with interface noise with hi gain profiles in NAM at high volume?

I´ve been noodling around with NAM and realized that, at LIVE volume uses, the preamp noise of the interface can be a problem.

Using the input of the interface at minimum gain (as all of you know, for making easy the calibration of the profiles if you know the reference at which they were trained), it happens that a hi gain profile amplifies the signal too much, so the base preamp noise of the interface gets VERY audible (in my Zoom AMS-22, which has a little noisy preamps, honestly). It can be softened increasing the gain in the interface, and lowering in software before NAM. It works... but I can´t increase too much the gain in the interface because if I strum hard, I clip the input of the interface. So not a fully effective solution (apart from that, I´ve got to re-measure the headroom when tweaking the gain input).

Switching to my EVO4, which has much quieter preamps than the Zoom, it improves... but I realized that (remember, LIVE volume, not bedroom volume) some other noises get audible (interferences and whatnot... even when preamp noise is not nearly as bad as with the Zoom... which in turn, had absolutely no other noise nor interferences).

So, my question for those of you who use NAM live... did you notice this? Does it happen to you? In such that case, how do you deal with it? Do you use a noise gate (I didn´t like the result)?
Hey mates, how do you deal with interface noise with hi gain profiles in NAM at high volume?

I´ve been noodling around with NAM and realized that, at LIVE volume uses, the preamp noise of the interface can be a problem.

Using the input of the interface at minimum gain (as all of you know, for making easy the calibration of the profiles if you know the reference at which they were trained), it happens that a hi gain profile amplifies the signal too much, so the base preamp noise of the interface gets VERY audible (in my Zoom AMS-22, which has a little noisy preamps, honestly). It can be softened increasing the gain in the interface, and lowering in software before NAM. It works... but I can´t increase too much the gain in the interface because if I strum hard, I clip the input of the interface. So not a fully effective solution (apart from that, I´ve got to re-measure the headroom when tweaking the gain input).

Switching to my EVO4, which has much quieter preamps than the Zoom, it improves... but I realized that (remember, LIVE volume, not bedroom volume) some other noises get audible (interferences and whatnot... even when preamp noise is not nearly as bad as with the Zoom... which in turn, had absolutely no other noise nor interferences).

So, my question for those of you who use NAM live... did you notice this? Does it happen to you? In such that case, how do you deal with it? Do you use a noise gate (I didn´t like the result)?
Hey mates, how do you deal with interface noise with hi gain profiles in NAM at high volume?

I´ve been noodling around with NAM and realized that, at LIVE volume uses, the preamp noise of the interface can be a problem.

Using the input of the interface at minimum gain (as all of you know, for making easy the calibration of the profiles if you know the reference at which they were trained), it happens that a hi gain profile amplifies the signal too much, so the base preamp noise of the interface gets VERY audible (in my Zoom AMS-22, which has a little noisy preamps, honestly). It can be softened increasing the gain in the interface, and lowering in software before NAM. It works... but I can´t increase too much the gain in the interface because if I strum hard, I clip the input of the interface. So not a fully effective solution (apart from that, I´ve got to re-measure the headroom when tweaking the gain input).

Switching to my EVO4, which has much quieter preamps than the Zoom, it improves... but I realized that (remember, LIVE volume, not bedroom volume) some other noises get audible (interferences and whatnot... even when preamp noise is not nearly as bad as with the Zoom... which in turn, had absolutely no other noise nor interferences).

So, my question for those of you who use NAM live... did you notice this? Does it happen to you? In such that case, how do you deal with it? Do you use a noise gate (I didn´t like the result)?
if you have enough headroom not to clip, turn the preamps up a bit and boost less in the plugin.

If you don’t have enough headroom, then find a quieter interface. are you sure the noise is the built in interface noise and not noise from the pickups?

Also +1 for Bertom
Also, NAM captures the "hiss" of the amp as well as the tone, and real amps are often noisier in this respect than models and sometimes that catches people by surprise with captures. If the real amp is loud, NAM will also be loud - sort of the cost of doing business. Check the noise floor with no gates and guitar volume rolled off (not channel input mute).

Not sure of your context, but also do note that the computer itself can induce quite a lot of noise (not specific to nam) if you're not facing at the correct room angle due to interference.
Made a lot of tests with 3 interfaces (Zoom AMS-22, Audient EVO4 and Hifiberry).

Zoom noise is pure preamp noise (the same one that Julian Krause shows in his reviews of audio interfaces). The other 2 have much less preamp noise, but have other noises.

The amp is quieter than any interface.

As I said, I raised the gain on the zoom but I've got too little headroom, so it clips to early. Not enough to get rid of the noise... It just improves a little.

Measured the preamp noise at minimum gain setting, and the Zoom is 12 dB louder than the EVO4.

Maybe a full metal interface could have little interference noises, while having little preamp noise too.

I'll take a look at the Bertom thing. Thank you!
Wow... The Bertom is just out of this world, isn't it?

It's unbelievable how it can remove noise even when the guitar becomes barely audible and keeps on quietly ringing, and without the open/close topical gate effect.

I'm speechless.
Wow... The Bertom is just out of this world, isn't it?

It's unbelievable how it can remove noise even when the guitar becomes barely audible and keeps on quietly ringing, and without the open/close topical gate effect.

I'm speechless.
It's become an "always on" thing for me