
Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
Last 24 hours have been busy, had a gig last night, partied til 3 then me and my drummer hit the road at 8 this morning to take a 4 hour trek for this half stack :love: just got got it home and played with it for a bit. Definitely digging it a lot Right off the bat. It’s been years since I’ve had a 100 watt half stack, you forget how much more balls you get even st low volumes. Lots of tone diving to do but definitely very easy to get some killer tones. Looking forward to using it at practice next week

This thing is fucking mint too. Can’t believe this whole setup was only $1200. He threw in a road case for the head and a firman m-8lx as well


Amp wall shaping up nicely :fap:
How does the JVM dirt compare to a DSL? I know it has a bazillion more features but just curious how close they are crunch and lead sounds?
How does the JVM dirt compare to a DSL? I know it has a bazillion more features but just curious how close they are crunch and lead sounds?

Idk tbh. This is my first real Marshall actually. I did have a dsl401 combo but it blew up in less than 24hrs, and I’ve heard that wasn’t considered a “good” dsl either