Might as well show my bear videos

Oh noooo! @JiveTurkey spotted at my place

:grin they don't come up around the house much, usually lower down the mountain. Mighty mighty beard this one has!

We have a whole family that lives on our property, roost in our tall pine trees .... usually a huge flock of little ones this time of year...but we only had one youngun this year.
The other day I was standing on my front porch when a big brown/black (I honestly wouldn't know the difference) bear ambled out of the woods and walked right past me, maybe 25 yards away. Happy medium between "direct contact" and "I can step back inside in less than a second if I have to." (He was, fortunately, completely indifferent to me.)

The week before I was sitting on my back deck enjoying the weather, when a sleepy bobcat stepped out from underneath. :O
Bebeh beers! :love

Turkeys run things over here like a street gang. They block intersections, jump on hoods of cars and attack people.

I lived in Sylvester, GA. for a spell. Nothing but wild homeless people AFAIR
No videos but here's a pic of a recent bear sighting.