Mezzabarba Dives in the Digital Pool


Rock Star

Got a dedicated website for digital products. I guess more is to come.

These are just packs (unit presets and IRs) authorized by Mezzabarba on the Bt site. Some of the other packs (m25 HRTG) are very good and the hailstone cabinet software is pretty good at managing the IR bundle. BT is Giacomo Pasquali and Emanuele Sereni.

Frank let's them rip here
Cool to see M signed off on those. That said, looking at this underscores for me how fragmented the Capture/Profile thing is becoming. I have NAM/ToneX/QC. Which one do I buy them for if I want one of their packs? :p Need a format converter or sellers to license across formats for an additional small fee or something.
I have NAM/ToneX/QC. Which one do I buy them for if I want one of their packs? :p Need a format converter or sellers to license across formats for an additional small fee or something.
i have,Kemper,QC,Tonex and NAM,im going to order the Kemper pack first but the other packs should be more cheap when buying a pack
I think it’s cool when the builders actually do this kind of stuff, but I still think what THEIR idealized sound for their gear may be captured, it won’t always represent what the best tone is for an end user

Which is why I have Mezza packs available as well! Lol