Merry Christmas !!

Drunk Santa Claus GIF
THIS is the best Christmas movie of all time!

Classic bit from Roger Ebert's review - he gave it 3.5 out of 4 stars!

"His character is named Willie T. Soke; W.C. Fields would have liked that. He's a foul-mouthed, unkempt, drunken louse at the beginning of the movie and sticks to that theme all the way through. You expect a happy ending, but the ending is happy in the same sense that a man's doctors tell him he lost his legs but they were able to save his shoes."

Merry Christmas everyone! It was a great day for us. I got to ski for the first day of the year and made it home to man the BBQ and get our fire pit going for some good family time following a killer dinner!
Also was only trapped in convo with wacko sister n law for a short time :crazy Good IPA makes all things better!