Meris LVX


This just in. It's kinda wicked.

I sorta want to try it, and sorta know I’ll give up before eclipsing the 73 hours that will be required to learn how to fully use it.

What’s your early thoughts?

Very positive mostly. Very deep. The graphic view (bubbles) is cool at first, but then gets in way. Thankfully it has a text view that works great. Sound is very digital. The modifiers are worth the price of admission alone.

I'll post a review/demo soon.
I primary want to use my LVX with my synths. This stuff won't be everyone's cup of tea here. But here it's matched with the Soma Lyra-8 and some video effects.

Tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, join me for an interactive live stream on patch creation with the Meris LVX. Please feel free to post here suggestions for topics you'd like to be covered.

Tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, join me for an interactive live stream on patch creation with the Meris LVX. Please feel free to post here suggestions for topics you'd like to be covered.

Sorry, this live stream has been canceled due to a technical glitch. A non-live version will be posted soon.
So I finally got a chance to sorta check one of these out. I only had about 10minutes with it unfortunately, but.... seemed like it was really good, and really configurable. I'm tempted.
Seems like a cool sounding pedal but that user interface...oof. I grew frustrated just watching TJonTheRoad operate it in the first video. The graphic view is just a worse scroll list view and the text view is generally too small.