Meris LVX


Hi everyone, just picked up a Meris LVX & am diving in. Something I've used forever on my HX Effects is the Scale parameter, which allows you to dial in any ratio you want between the Left & Right delay times. This is useful/fun for many reasons, such as:
  1. I set it to ~94-97% so that the delays run at almost the same speed, but they get a little farther apart with each repeat, for awesome increasing stereo spread.
  2. I set it to 64% or 70% for a 2:3 ratio that lurches ever so slightly, which is really groovy & fun.
So far I can't find anything equivalent on the LVX, and I'm not sure I can live without it... As far as I can tell, I can only set exact subdivisions (including dotted and triplets) of the tempo. I've tried assigning a modifier to Delay Right Div, but it lurches between the discrete values, rather than doing a subtle change.
Any ideas? Thanks!
So the BBD mode on the LVX doesn't ... really sound that good....

And the looper..... doesn't do a proper soft crossfade when moving from record straight to play. You always get a click. This really really saaauuuucccckkkkxxxxxxxxx!!