Honestly I don't care at all about the business end of it šŸ„±šŸ˜“. Companies are welcome to do what they want, and I commend them for not sitting on their laurels. If they profit, great. If they go out of busines, no skin off my back, I'll find a other amp to buy. I'm only interested in products from the perspective of a instrumentalist. If a company makes amps that I like, I'll buy them. If not, I won't. I'll leave that other stuff to the mergers and acquisitions guys and the venture capitalists.

Quote Reply
Thomann prices are out for the modded amps.

AmpIncluding Finnish VAT 25.5% :cussWithout VAT ~
Marshall 1959HW1922 ā‚¬1432 ā‚¬
Marshall 1959 Modified3222 ā‚¬2400 ā‚¬
Marshall JCM800 2203 Reissue1699 ā‚¬1266 ā‚¬
Marshall JCM800 2203 Modified2899 ā‚¬2160 ā‚¬

This is completely stupid pricing. Marshall is seriously trying to justify that a few hundred euros worth of parts and labor amounts to ~1000 ā‚¬ higher price tag? GTFO.

My recommendation is that nobody buys these amps. If you must have a Marshall badge on yours, buy the 1959HW or JCM800 and get it modded by a local tech. Or better yet, buy one of the great modded Marshalls made by a bunch of companies.

Instead of marsha marsha marsha ..... now it boogera boogera boogera.
Yeah. Way too expensive.


1959HW is arguably a bit too cheap when you compare to other 100W turret board plexis with ā€œproperā€ parts (not ceriatone branded caps+transformers). Even still, the difference in price doesnā€™t make any sense, not least because youā€™re BARELY getting a different amp.

If they gave them new chassis, faceplates, required extra valves, and had extra channels, fx loops, MIDI etc they could maybe justify Friedman/Bogner type prices. Thereā€™s really no incentive to not buy a cheaper one and use the rest of the money to choose whoever you like to mod it. Youā€™d have enough money left over to go with basically any of the big name modders, or you could have someone local fine tune it to your taste.
Thomann prices are out for the modded amps.

AmpIncluding Finnish VAT 25.5% :cussWithout VAT ~
Marshall 1959HW1922 ā‚¬1432 ā‚¬
Marshall 1959 Modified3222 ā‚¬2400 ā‚¬
Marshall JCM800 2203 Reissue1699 ā‚¬1266 ā‚¬
Marshall JCM800 2203 Modified2899 ā‚¬2160 ā‚¬

This is completely stupid pricing. Marshall is seriously trying to justify that a few hundred euros worth of parts and labor amounts to ~1000 ā‚¬ higher price tag? GTFO.

My recommendation is that nobody buys these amps. If you must have a Marshall badge on yours, buy the 1959HW or JCM800 and get it modded by a local tech. Or better yet, buy one of the great modded Marshalls made by a bunch of companies.
Buy the Jose from Dave
Or a Gower
I have 2 Marshall amps yet on my bucket list. Well, one is Marshall based. First is Friedmanā€™s Plex and the second is the JCM-900 20 watt head.

So about 5k for both with taxes. If things get crazy on pricing due to buyouts or tariffs then Iā€™ll just make do with modelers or the used market. I feel like I need to quote Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon at this pointā€¦

Of course, a new Marshall in the States (modded or unmodded) will cost you literally ZERO
$$$ right now. Because you can't get any of the damn things. :facepalm
I've fucked around not buying Marshalls for so long (other than that one time at band camp with a Mode Four) that I'll probably never own one of any significance. And I think I'm ok with that at this point, sadly enough?

Edit for i did like the DSL I had.
Nope, two very different situations. In communist counties, the state controls EVERYTHING.
This statement pains me @Frodebro . Being honest, when we talk about tariffs, taxes, VAT or import duties, it is clear the state controls many
things whether communist or not. Then, as previously seen with Marshall in America, there is another middle man in the US. A capitalist tax. Iā€™m afraid there is no free ride with either system and it kinda hurts me to think you believe it boils down like you indicate it does. The game is rigged against us. Unless strangely enough, you buy as closely as possible to the producer. China. Why do you think that is?

This isnā€™t a political statement. Just reality as in rubber hits the road as in what do your $$ actually buy? And who gets paid when you spend them?
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