Luminite Graviton M1 MIDI Controller

Is there any way to use a single preset to cycle between multiple values? I'd like to toggle the Presence switch on my Strymon Riverside between its 3 positions because it's hard to reach on my board. Basically CC value 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> loop back to 1 -> 2 -> 3.

I know I can toggle between two values with the toggling CC.

I feel like I may have asked this before...

Not yet but that is useful, cycle through every message. I'll add it soon.

Is it possible to control an M1 with an M2 wirelessly without adding hardware ?
You asked just in time :)

Graviton M1 / M2 Software Update 4.5.2 (Beta) Release
  • New Feature: Bluetooth MIDI is now switchable between Peripheral and Central mode.
  • Bluetooth Central Mode: Connect with up to 6 other Bluetooth MIDI devices or Graviton M1/M2s in Peripheral Mode.
  • Settings > Bluetooth menu: New items: Scan / Pair / Unpair / Input PIN Code / Auto Connect / Connection Status.
How to Update / Rollback:
  • Go to Settings > Update / Rollback > Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • You can switch between Beta and the last Stable Release anytime without loosing programmed data.
  • It's recommended to stay on the Stable Release for gigging.
Fastest coder in the West….o no…East in your case ;)

Really a value adding feature for me…excellent…hope I can get it running. Is there a reference to it in the manual already…or not yet cause it’s beta?

The manual hasn’t been updated yet. But it works just like with smartphones: scan for nearby devices, then select the one you want to connect etc
The manual hasn’t been updated yet. But it works just like with smartphones: scan for nearby devices, then select the one you want to connect etc

EDIT: nevermind….i figured it out ;)
And the 2nd/3rd click / hold functionality is awesome! This pedal is getting super powerfull!

The pairing was successful…but I can’t seem the control one with the other.
I tried sending PC…doesn’t seem to do anything.
Can you direct me in the right direction?
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Im setting some stuff up aiming to use 1st 2nd click.

Here’s what happening:

I click switch one —> pc 1 (expected)
I click switch one 2nd time —> pc 2 (expected)

Then this scenario:
I click switch one — pc 1 (expected)
I click switch two —> pc 100 (expected)
I click switch one —> pc 2 ….not expected.

I’d expect the “click count” to reset at every first click of a new switch. Hard to find a usecase for the it works now…no brain is gonna track all those status ;)
Am I correct that when you want to pair an m1 and m2…you need to always pair them manually at every boot up?….would be very helpful if there was an autoconnect..
Hmmm….im defining in “midi in” which incoming PC triggers which preset….i can’t get beyond setting up 12…bug?….would be very valuable if that was 127 slots.

Idea…maybe add another point of entry where you can click in a preset what triggers it?
Issue: when editing a PC…the “only show labels” is frozen, I no longer can select PCs without labels on the M2…also after reboot.
so I’m aborting mission to include these into my rig for now cause I’m stuck…grrr…
Im setting some stuff up aiming to use 1st 2nd click.

Here’s what happening:

I click switch one —> pc 1 (expected)
I click switch one 2nd time —> pc 2 (expected)

Then this scenario:
I click switch one — pc 1 (expected)
I click switch two —> pc 100 (expected)
I click switch one —> pc 2 ….not expected.

I’d expect the “click count” to reset at every first click of a new switch. Hard to find a usecase for the it works now…no brain is gonna track all those status ;)

Yeah 'Resetting click count' can be added as an option.

Am I correct that when you want to pair an m1 and m2…you need to always pair them manually at every boot up?….would be very helpful if there was an autoconnect..

I'm still working on Auto Connect, should be in the next update.

Hmmm….im defining in “midi in” which incoming PC triggers which preset….i can’t get beyond setting up 12…bug?….would be very valuable if that was 127 slots.

Idea…maybe add another point of entry where you can click in a preset what triggers it?

There are only 10 MIDI Action slots, in each slot you can specify which preset (1 to 120) you want to trigger. (The same as programming a 10 footswitch pedal)

But there are a few ideas for multi Graviton setup that I can think of: ie send PC N as a trigger > load preset N, only takes 1 slot. Or sync the bank +/-. Let me know if you have other ideas ?

Issue: when editing a PC…the “only show labels” is frozen, I no longer can select PCs without labels on the M2…also after reboot.
so I’m aborting mission to include these into my rig for now cause I’m stuck…grrr…

Will fix it soon
But there are a few ideas for multi Graviton setup that I can think of: ie send PC N as a trigger > load preset N, only takes 1 slot. Or sync the bank +/-. Let me know if you have other ideas ?
The idea was to setup the M1 on my board as “the brains”, have all the combinations of stuff I want to send to my QC defined there…so an external unit can suffice with sending one message. Any suggestions on how to go about that? Or is my best option to program it all in the M2? And use midi trhrough?
Or…could I setup the M2 as an external switch device for the M1 in a way that it operates the m1 like it does itself?
But there are a few ideas for multi Graviton setup that I can think of: ie send PC N as a trigger > load preset N, only takes 1 slot. Or sync the bank +/-. Let me know if you have other ideas ?
In my mind it would be helpful if there is a grid where you can define what incoming message (or other triggers like 1st/2nd switch) trigger. So…I can define that if pc1 comes in…preset y gets triggerd
This controllers seem to be fantastic. I'm considering ordering the M2... But I'm concerned about footswitch separation. More or less, by the general dimension and the images, I estimate they're approx 63 mm separated. Similar to M-Vave Chocolate, for instance.

Can anyone measure and share the value, please?

If that confirms... Man, I just can't stand this trend of making these kind of devices so cramped. I think a "normal" separation should be 75 mm minimum. Being 85 mm a "good" no worries number... And even more when there're two rows of footswitches.

The Morningstar MC6 Pro seems to be more reasonable in this regard (I estimate 75 mm separation).
This controllers seem to be fantastic. I'm considering ordering the M2... But I'm concerned about footswitch separation. More or less, by the general dimension and the images, I estimate they're approx 63 mm separated. Similar to M-Vave Chocolate, for instance.

Can anyone measure and share the value, please?

If that confirms... Man, I just can't stand this trend of making these kind of devices so cramped. I think a "normal" separation should be 75 mm minimum. Being 85 mm a "good" no worries number... And even more when there're two rows of footswitches.

The Morningstar MC6 Pro seems to be more reasonable in this regard (I estimate 75 mm separation).
I can't speak for the M2, but the F6W footswitch spacing is about 65 mm measured from the center of footswitch A to center of footswitch B. I assume the M2 would be similar.

In practice I find the spacing to work just fine, and the back row has taller footswitches so those are easy to hit too.

Remember you can always connect a footswitch you prefer to the M1 for example.
I can't speak for the M2, but the F6W footswitch spacing is about 65 mm measured from the center of footswitch A to center of footswitch B. I assume the M2 would be similar.

In practice I find the spacing to work just fine, and the back row has taller footswitches so those are easy to hit too.

Remember you can always connect a footswitch you prefer to the M1 for example.
Confirmed here too. The spacing is 65mm. Before the wireless 10-button footswitch became available I built a wired footswitch with 50mm spacing and that was too tight. I find the 65mm spacing to be just right.
In my mind it would be helpful if there is a grid where you can define what incoming message (or other triggers like 1st/2nd switch) trigger. So…I can define that if pc1 comes in…preset y gets triggerd
Yes this is how the MIDI In function works currently, I was thinking about adding additional functions on top of it

This controllers seem to be fantastic. I'm considering ordering the M2... But I'm concerned about footswitch separation. More or less, by the general dimension and the images, I estimate they're approx 63 mm separated. Similar to M-Vave Chocolate, for instance..
All Luminite footswitches spacing is 65mm

Finally I have a weird issue related to changing my BluGuitar Amp 1 channels using the "chain preset" feature.
This should be fixed now

Graviton M1 / M2 Software Update 4.5.3 (Beta) Release

  • Fixed: Expression CC / CV / Clock only work in MIDI Editor (when being used as per-preset).
  • Fixed: Chain Preset is working properly now.
  • Added: Expression pedal calibration position feedback.
How to Update / Rollback:
  • Go to Settings > Update / Rollback > Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • You can switch between Beta and Stable anytime without loosing programmed data.
  • It's recommended to stay on the Stable for gigging.

    Enjoy and please report bugs here
Howdy all, just got my M2 and am using it as the heart of my pedalboard for our Euro tour that starts next week. Here couple of requests I’d love to see, though if these are already possible let me know!

- Ability to modify the “infinite scrolling” for setlists. I don’t want or need it to move to the next setlist, so it would be very useful to turn this setting off. Additionally, it would be great if there was an option to engage this functionality to remain in the same set and simply cycle through that setlist infinitely.
- Ability to move to next song in a setlist without the M2 automatically loading the first preset in that song. I have all of my songs set with the 1st footswitch to load the rhythm tone, but that isn’t necessarily the first tone I use in a song. So, I would love to be able to essentially queue up the next song’s collection of presets and (I have switch 6 on the unit set to advance to the next song) without the unit loading all of the settings/sending the MIDI commands for that rhythm preset.
- Copy and paste a switch/MIDI/etc command from one song into another.
- “Smart delete” of a song from a setlist would then move all other songs up one position rather than leaving a blank preset in the place of the now-deleted one
- “Sticky” caps lock (double tap to “stick” like on a cellphone). I use all caps on some presets because of my less than amazing eyesight and it’s a pain in the butt to re-engage the caps lock for each letter.

Any chance some of these might be in an upcoming update?

Graviton M1 / M2 Software Update 4.5.6​

New features:
  • New Message: A/B: Send messages before and after this block alternatively.
  • New Toogling Mode: Rotation: Send each message in the same Preset in rotation.
  • Setlist Mode: Per-song setup BPM.
  • Setlist Mode: Per-song setup Preset (1st to 10th Song Preset, from Song Library, or none)
  • Setlist Mode: Scroll Through options: Off, Wrap-Around, Scroll to the next Song/Setlist.
  • Stomp Mode: Send MIDI without changing Preset.
  • New Option: TRS > Expression > Smoother Sweeps: Increase expression smoothness, but slower UI updates.
How to Update / Rollback:
  • Go to Settings > Update / Rollback > Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • You can switch between Beta and the last Stable Release anytime without loosing programmed data.
  • It's recommended to stay on the Stable Release for gigging.

    Enjoy and please report bugs here
Any chance some of these might be in an upcoming update?
The first two requests are in this update

Is there any way to use a single preset to cycle between multiple values? I'd like to toggle the Presence switch on my Strymon Riverside between its 3 positions because it's hard to reach on my board. Basically CC value 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> loop back to 1 -> 2 -> 3.

I know I can toggle between two values with the toggling CC.

I feel like I may have asked this before...
Done !
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