Leon Todd

All the good stuff! Really great guitars - those necks are so silky.

I have this version, it's amazing:


Running Suhr pickups in it now, ML neck and middle (I think you have those in your 70's Strat?) and Thornbucker Plus bridge. Really good versatile guitar.

I think all the AZ guitars have the same neck shape. It's kind of odd, closest thing I could describe is like a medium chunky Gibson neck that was flattened slightly. So it's got some width and depth to it, but doesn't feel big.

I'd love the double humbucker version too, but I have too many of those guitars already.

I could totally see running this or the dual humbucker version as a do everything guitar.
@2112 What's the story behind your LT TV Mix IRs?

How did you end up choosing "This is it, TV Mix 7 is what I will use on everything!"
@laxu here's my recollections...

Most Ragdoll tunes over the years were recorded using Troy's Marshall 1960BV mic'd with an SM57/Royer 121/Senn MD421 as the cab for all the amps. When I got an Axe-Fx III we decided it would be cool to capture that cab/mic setup, which led to me capturing a whole bunch of different cabs we had kicking around. One of those cabs was my Marshall "tall vintage" cab and I made several IR's which I shared.

I forget when I switched from using the BV mix IR to the TV mix IR but I do remember settling on a mix using a Shure SM7b and a Royer 121 - "TV Mix 2". When I bought an MD421 I decided to capture a standalone IR of that mic on the TV cab which sounded pretty cool. When I added it to the same SM7b/121 mic combo I liked it even more and TV Mix 7 was born. I found that mix easier to dial in live and it provides a nice "backline cab" vibe any time I demo a modeller on the channel, which should hopefully make it easier for people who tune in to compare tones across different devices. That, and sheer laziness :D

It's been pretty cool to see and hear so many people download and use it - it's been downloaded over 10,000 times on Axechange alone.