Leon Todd

Holy hell that Metaltronix M-1000 sounded awesome in your new video! That's pretty much the exact modded Marshall '80s hard rock tone I love.

You did say it's not your favorite modded Marshall, which begs the question: What is your favorite modded Marshall?
Holy hell that Metaltronix M-1000 sounded awesome in your new video! That's pretty much the exact modded Marshall '80s hard rock tone I love.

You did say it's not your favorite modded Marshall, which begs the question: What is your favorite modded Marshall?
It can be yours for less than $10,000. But don’t worry, you’ll be getting a milled aluminium chassis and audiophile grade power cable:

It can be yours for less than $10,000. But don’t worry, you’ll be getting a milled aluminium chassis and audiophile grade power cable:

What a bargain!
It can be yours for less than $10,000. But don’t worry, you’ll be getting a milled aluminium chassis and audiophile grade power cable:

There was I’ve local to me on Craigslist. $1200 iirc. I couldn’t afford it at the time. I should have done it anyway.
Holy hell that Metaltronix M-1000 sounded awesome in your new video! That's pretty much the exact modded Marshall '80s hard rock tone I love.

You did say it's not your favorite modded Marshall, which begs the question: What is your favorite modded Marshall?

Crate Stealth can get in that ballpark. Or the parking lot of that ballpark. :ROFLMAO:

Ugly as F, and build quality is trash... but it does do that thing. They did a
509 watt version with 6V6s and an 100 watter with EL34s. Insane how
great they sound and feel. Like.... is this a Crate? :idk
Holy hell that Metaltronix M-1000 sounded awesome in your new video! That's pretty much the exact modded Marshall '80s hard rock tone I love.

You did say it's not your favorite modded Marshall, which begs the question: What is your favorite modded Marshall?
Ooooh good question.

I really like the mods Headfirst did to my 2959 (Mick Mars/Fortus style) but the JEL/Jose style mods he did to Troy's 1977 JMP take the cake for me. I love the way the amp sounded stock but the extra little bit of depth and tightness they add take it from really good to great IMO.

Ceriatone Molecular (Atomica) is fun too.
@2112 you mention the 'slim modern' neck shape of the AZ you have. Every AZ I've played has a more chunky, ovallic shape. Is this different in the newer AZ's?
Describing neck shapes is my absolute Achilles heel 🤣

I've got big hands so anything that's not a baseball bat I generally consider slim & modern. It's definitely not the typical thing I expect from Ibanez but I also haven't played any other AZ models recently to compare.

In the future I really should get some calipers out and provide measurements rather than trying to describe it.
Describing neck shapes is my absolute Achilles heel 🤣

I've got big hands so anything that's not a baseball bat I generally consider slim & modern. It's definitely not the typical thing I expect from Ibanez but I also haven't played any other AZ models recently to compare.

In the future I really should get some calipers out and provide measurements rather than trying to describe it.
You could just point to the Ibanez website, they have good measurements, as do many other brands. Some do require you to dig up wtf is a "modern C" or whatever.

I think evaluating necks is really hard because it's so personal. I love the U shape neck on my Fender Jazzmaster, but I don't own a PRS because their neck profiles somehow don't quite work for me and I can't even say why.

My scale is something like this:
  • Toothpick. The original Ibanez Wizard necks.
  • Slim. Most C/D shape shredder guitar necks.
  • Medium. Typical necks on Fender style guitars. Not thick, not thin.
  • Thick. This is the chunkier e.g Gibson 50s necks and up. My personal preference is somewhere around here.
  • Baseball bat. This was the Ibanez Stagestar Strat copy that was my first guitar.
A friend of mine had a 1950s Kay acoustic. The neck literally felt like a 2x4 with the corners rounded off a little bit. Oddest guitar I ever played.
Holy hell that Metaltronix M-1000 sounded awesome in your new video! That's pretty much the exact modded Marshall '80s hard rock tone I love.

You did say it's not your favorite modded Marshall, which begs the question: What is your favorite modded Marshall?

I'm not Leon (nor have I ever portrayed him in a television miniseries), but the Mesa Stiletto pretty well nails that eighties modded Marshall sound, and with typical Mesa build quality. I'll never sell mine.
with typical Mesa build quality
The Mesa build quality is why I've never owned one. They are notoriously difficult to repair (highly complex circuitry, tightly packed components, revisions for which no documentation exists to track the changes so the available schematics are incorrect) and they also regularly use parts that have no safety margin of voltage handling over the design spec leading to failures not common to other amplifiers.

I'm not Leon (nor have I ever portrayed him in a television miniseries), but the Mesa Stiletto pretty well nails that eighties modded Marshall sound, and with typical Mesa build quality. I'll never sell mine.
Not the one I tried...I absolutely hated the original Stiletto when I tried it in a store. Maybe user error, who knows.
So did pretty much everyone else at the time. :LOL:

People be gobbling them up these days, because
everything sounds better when you can see it in
the rear-view mirror. :rofl

I've always like Marshalls and Mesas---and never really
was trying to get one to become the other. Embracing
the differences. Not humanity's strongest trait. :idk
I'm not Leon (nor have I ever portrayed him in a television miniseries), but the Mesa Stiletto pretty well nails that eighties modded Marshall sound, and with typical Mesa build quality. I'll never sell mine.

Really? I always thought the Stiletto was just a Rectifier circuit with some tweaks, meaning it still has that Recto DNA?