Leon Todd

@Fireproof pretty much. Great idea, I'll try get onto it over the next few weeks!

@BigHairyGuitars hey Mike! The Senn e609/e906 is always a safe choice if a 57 isn't available. I love the 421 and the SM7b on dirty cabs too. For clean stuff I really like ribbons, so a 121 or Cascade Fat Head. I really want to grab a Beyer M160 at some point as I always love the clips i've heard with those.

@FAKA! ultimately whatever lets you work the fastest. The last Ragdoll single was all tones from my Axe-Fx but I've done sessions over the last few years with mic'd cabs or hybrid setups that are really fun, fast and effective.
@FAKA! Does killer clippage, Leon. You'd dig it!

Also; the 609 is a great mic you don't seem to see enough of. At least in my IR travels?
Hey Leon,

I've watched your studio videos for a while, but recently checked out some of your live Ragdoll performances. To say that your stage presence is next level would be an understatement. Two questions surrounding that:

Was there a specific performance or performer that inspired you with your stage presence?

I'd like to get better in this area as a live performer. Any tips in that area? I find that when I try to step out a bit or try something new, if I make a mistake, I go back to my safe spot in front of my monitor, look at my fretboard and don't move, etc.

(1) If you didn't have a band focused on original music, would you still be a professional musician? I guess more broadly, was there any point when you started thinking "ya know, putting my math skills to work might be a better option." Like, would teaching + a covers band + youtube be enough to keep you motivated and excited enough to remain a full-time professional musician?

(2) I notice a number of the better production value youtube folks have a spouse/partner that is a professional photographer. Did/does having someone around that has gear and knowledge on the video side make getting started in that area easier?

(3) is it creepy that some random dude half-way around the world knows that you skate, have a degree in mathematics, and are married to a photographer?!? Cause I'm kinda creeped out about it typing this up.
@Bruce I do a fair bit of snorkeling/free diving here in summer and have had a few close encounters with sea lions and big stingrays. As a kid we'd often get at least one venomous snake find it's way into the house each year but I see less of them now the suburban sprawl has swallowed us up.

@bribrigingo firstly thanks so much for taking the time to check out the tunes. Growing up watching lots of Vai/Yngwie/Van Halen I've always hammed it up onstage, but I feel like the whole thing got turbocharged the first year we went to the states and saw how much harder bands go live than at home. Since we're a trio with a singing bass player the "hype guy" role ended up being my extra role. Any time I get a bit in my head at a gig I try to find a person in the crowd and really focus on connecting with them and trying to make them have a good time. Staring at something at the back of the room, smiling and trying to project whatever it is you're doing to that one point can help too.

@Boudoir Guitar great questions. Playing original music definitely scratches an itch that the other outlets I have don't. I pretty much stopped pursuing an academic career in my early 20's because it felt like a "now or never" moment to try and achieve some of the dreams I had with playing original music, but it's no longer the be all and end all when it comes to getting enjoyment from the instrument.

My wife was a massive help when I started doing Youtube videos, and continues to motivate and inspire me. I do try to balance what I put out there on the internet when it comes to my personal life. At the end of the day I'm immediately going to have more in common with strangers on a guitar gear forum than I do with people I went to high school with, and the latter group has way more embarrassing stories about me!
Hey hey fellow vintage rack enthusiasts,

a) Can you give any tips on buying 2290?
I have mixed feelings. On one hand I'd love to get one, it seems like a dream delay / chorus. On the other I know it can easily die and could be unrepairable, because there're parts inside that are no longer available. And I cannot afford throwing it later to the trash.

b) PCM 70 or 80/81?
I'd like to finally get one, but can't decide. Italo swears by 80/81, but 70 seems to have this cool grainy, vintage rack vibe. I think I'm very slightly leaning towards 70. I prefer to focus more on playing then on tweaking. m300 seems also amazing.

c) Are american Hamers as good as modern butique brands- like Suhr, Anderson, PRS etc? Which model is your favorite?
I never played a Hamer. But I'm thinking about getting Chaparral or maybe Californian.

d) Have you tried mesa 2:90?
I already use mesa 50/50 (old version). Luv this power amp, but 2:90 tone seems sooo interesting. Huge headroom.

e) Your favorite power amp?

Sorry for spamming many questions at once.

Cheers from Poland,
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@okewaja a) it's a bit like buying an old muscle car. Everything about it is going to be expensive to maintain BUT it's such a cool machine. FWIW the 2290 mode in the Axe-Fx will get you there without any of the heartache.

b) if you don't like tweaking then the PCM81 is a nightmare. Sounds great but it is a DENSE unit to get around.

c) USA Hamers absolutely belong on that top tier IMO. The build quality on my 2008 Standard and 2002 Artistis as good as any PRS or Suhr. The Californian is my favourite superstrat design too.

d) & e) I've never had the pleasure of trying the 2:90. Digging the SYN5050 power amp but I think the old Marshall 9000 power amps are my favourite even though they're gigantic!
Hey hey fellow vintage rack enthusiasts,

a) Can you give any tips on buying 2290?
I have mixed feelings. On one hand I'd love to get one, it seems like a dream delay / chorus. On the other I know it can easily die and could be unrepairable, because there're parts inside that are no longer available. And I cannot afford throwing it later to the trash.

b) PCM 70 or 80/81?
I'd like to finally get one, but can't decide. Italo swears by 80/81, but 70 seems to have this cool grainy, vintage rack vibe. I think I'm very slightly leaning towards 70. I prefer to focus more on playing then on tweaking. m300 seems also amazing.

c) Are american Hamers as good as modern butique brands- like Suhr, Anderson, PRS etc? Which model is your favorite?
I never played a Hamer. But I'm thinking about getting Chaparral or maybe Californian.

d) Have you tried mesa 2:90?
I already use mesa 50/50 (old version). Luv this power amp, but 2:90 tone seems sooo interesting. Huge headroom.

e) Your favorite power amp?

Sorry for spamming many questions at once.

Cheers from Poland,
Now that Leon's answered..., I was looking at the same rack gear you mentioned, with the same reservations, about 3 years ago. I love stereo rack rigs. Plus, I wasn't sure how many effects I'd be able to use simultaneously, and the cost was getting out of hand.

I ended up getting an Axe Fx III Mk II, mainly just for the effects (I also found a great deal on a Tri Axis & 2:90, and did get that), but I've been so amazed by this thing that I'm glad I didn't get any of that other old gear, and it's pretty much all I use.
@2112 Thank you for answers! :)

- Have you played Hamer Chaparral?
- Is PCM81 really so hard to learn? Is it more difficult then your other old rack effects? Is dual fx card worth getting?

@TSJMajesty I agree Axe Fx is the most practical and cost effective solution. I somehow doubt that any DSP can be as good as 2290 with all its hardware parts. But I can't tell, I've never played 2290 :O :(. I only imagine it must be amazing, but I really dunno. I'm 2290 virgin :(

Traixis is definitely on my bucket list as well.
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@2112 Can you give us mere mortals some advice on how to keep our hair in tip top condition, as yours clearly is?

On the subject of hair though, have you ever encountered any musical situations where your long hair was a distinct disadvantage?

@2112 Can you give us mere mortals some advice on how to keep our hair in tip top condition, as yours clearly is?

On the subject of hair though, have you ever encountered any musical situations where your long hair was a distinct disadvantage?


What is the scariest most life threatening animal you’ve personally been within a few feet of and not in a zoo?
@Bruce I do a fair bit of snorkeling/free diving here in summer and have had a few close encounters with sea lions and big stingrays. As a kid we'd often get at least one venomous snake find it's way into the house each year but I see less of them now the suburban sprawl has swallowed us up.
Only a very happily married man could overlook being set up for a punchline like this. ;)

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