Is the Mesa Mark III under rated?

Any excuse to show off my Red Stripe.

They're great amps. I've owned a handful of III's (Red HRG & No Stripes DRG w/ 105pt's), but I prefer the IIC+/++ & Mark IV over them.

They're definitely a good value, if you can find them for a reasonable price, compared to the IIC+, especially w/ Mike B's 3+ or 3++ mod.

Tonewise, they sound great but aren't as full or immediate in the low mids or smooth as a IIC+. However, some people prefer that about the III's.
You’re saying that there is absolutely no noise floor on a Mesa mk iii? And that it’s not inherently higher than a Marshall of the same era? We’re just not going to agree at all. But I’m ok with that if you are.
Every piece of tube gear obviously has a noise floor. My Mark III is not noticeably more noisy than my 1959 and 2204 heads.

I will say that I did have some hum when I bought it years ago but it had been sitting unused for years. After a cap job it’s dead quiet. Killing the fan when recording I often have to double check I’m not in standby.

Not sure what caused the experience you had, but it’s certainly atypical for a healthy Mark III to be noisy.
… Not sure what caused the experience you had, but it’s certainly atypical for a healthy Mark III to be noisy.
My next Mesa was a Dual Rectifier. Had the same noise so I assumed it was just a Mesa thing. Sounds like a fluorescent light is inside the amp next to the transformers. Even the YouTube example have the same noise.

I had a Mark Five:35 that was much better in the noise department. I’m just not a Mesa guy. I’ve never been happy with them. The Mk III was the one that really soured me to the brand.

I sold it for $450. Can you believe that??😂
MKIII's are great.... so long as you don't need a channel switcher.



I've had IIIs, IVs, and Vs. At this point I think my old man pants I am wearing now
would like to own/try and Mrak I or II. :idk
MKIII's are great.... so long as you don't need a channel switcher.



I've had IIIs, IVs, and Vs. At this point I think my old man pants I am wearing now
would like to own/try and Mrak I or II. :idk
There are sweet spots where you can get a good clean and a good heavy sound using the same settings though.
Personal opinion here, but the best stuff Mesa made is the Mark & Rectifier Series (no surprise there). The others are fun, but not must haves.

I liked the Badlander, but felt it lacked saturation and the low-end wall of sound effect. Keep in mind I haven't tried one with the Mr. Scary mod.

The Triple Crown 100 was fun, but I prefer the Diezel VH-4. Oddly enough, the guy I bought the TC-100 offloaded it for a VH-4, coincidence?

Any which way you slice it, we are truly spoiled living in this day & age with an abundance of options to choose from regarding guitar gear.
I still wonder why they killed that series. It’s a cool amp that checks a lot of boxes. IIRC it might have been a belt tightening move around the 2008 crash.
I think it was also up against their Dual Rectifier which was EVERYWHERE at the time. You’d even see a Dual Rectifier on country music stages.

I’m gonna have to pick up an Electra Dyne one of these days.