Is Glen right?

Can someone sum up the nature of Glenn’s “proof”.
The same pickups don’t even necessarily sound the same in different guitars. Let alone considering different pickups in the same guitar.

I’m not going to provide click bait influencers with ad revenue. Can someone sum up the nature of Glenn’s “proof”.
The proof is empirical and subjective. Basically just shows that moving a mic has a much more dramatic effect than swapping a pickup. It's really not controversial, just the title is really. So in the context of recording, a pickup isn't all that important.
The proof is empirical and subjective. Basically just shows that moving a mic has a much more dramatic effect than swapping a pickup. It's really not controversial, just the title is really. So in the context of recording, a pickup isn't all that important.
To me they’re kind of two different aspects, and I suppose without watching his video there’s not really a common frame of reference for additional discussion on my part. Thanks for the summary.
Then by all means, provide a test sample for proof, until then its all "but 500 eyewitnesses saw it! No I don't know any of their names, but I promise, it was 500 eye witnesses"
See post #10 Try to get that tone with something like the Dimarzio Titan, the Kent Armstrong Motherbucker, or any non-P90 pickup, and find for yourself if it makes a difference
To me they’re kind of two different aspects, and I suppose without watching his video there’s not really a common frame of reference for additional discussion on my part. Thanks for the summary.
In this particular case, at the beginning Glenn was SURE that different pickups had HUGE differences in a recorded high gain tone. I'm not sure if it was him or someone else who cited "of course they sound different, look at their resonant peaks! They are totally different" and on the face of it, he certainly had a point. A pickup was an EQ of sorts and they are definitely tuned.

There was a lot of back and forth, and I think this video actually came out after like 3 years of discussing this topic. I even bought a few guitars so that when I record i can use different pickups when stacking tracks. A few years ago I really started not being able to tell which guitar I used on which track if I forgot to label it, one guitar being 707's, another 81-7's another Blackout 7's and the last a bareknuckle nailbomb passive

Other friends, when they were being honest were sort of reporting the same thing

I'm still convinced that at like blues level of gain, you will hear much more of a difference between pickups, but when we got barely past AC/DC levels, its really hard to tell
Lets remember, that this is an industry and a hobby where people at the very very highest levels, will tell you with a straight face, that files which null to the level of dither noise sound different than each other

ABX or double blinded, placebo controlled, statistically significant tests are like crosses to vampires for so many of these people who hold onto claims, not just without evidence, but in the face of all evidence
I think the problem with Glenn is he goes into these tests expecting wild differences, and then when he gets small differences, he concludes that the difference doesnt matter. He calls it scientific but he doesn't really do a great job of picking a decent sized sample pool or really understand whats causing differences (like why would he expect valves in themselves to have different EQ curves?!). The outcomes usually come with quite bold and blanket statements, which again can be misleading.

The other problem is despite how often he gives good and valid advice, there is SO MUCH bad advice. I look up to and try to learn from people who's work I admire. I respect the level of success Glenn has had on youtube and his other related businesses. As an audio engineer or educator it kind of concerns me that he has such a large audience learning from someone who makes the standard of productions he does. What bothers me more is how he talks about musicians and essentially his client base. Absolutely no respect or responsibility for the recordings he's (presumably) being paid to do.
I think I was just kind of surprised at the sheepish/hive minded mentality. It was just a different kind of experience than being here. Over there I was an old man on the server but in reality I was them once, aka the poor metal kid with absolute s**t gear most of life then eventually leveled up through hard work and got good gear.

Overall it was weird being once like them, then growing up and finally getting some of my dream gear to then witness in group chats that highend boutique gear sucks, and that this brand or that brand is a waste of money from kids who never tried or experienced any of it for themselves, but instead was taught this gear hatred from a dude thats only two years older than me.
I think at that point a lot of these folks have a coping mechanism where they feel like their cheaper amp or guitar is just as good as the expensive stuff and only a fool would pay more. Glen's stuff probably validates them too.

I used to think "I will never buy a 2000-3000+ euro guitar" but here I am, owning several of them. I am the first to say they are luxury and you could have a great time with something much cheaper, but I can afford it so why not enjoy it.

Glen Fricker is insufferable. Back in the day I remember downloading some US standup comedy through uh..dubious means and some of the guys were the kind who basically get up on stage and rant about politics and try to pass that off as humor. It is the exact same schtick Glen uses. The faux-angry, grumpy old dude. I would assume he's more likable in person but I don't want to watch any YT personality that does that bullshit.
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I think at that point a lot of these folks have a coping mechanism where they feel like their cheaper amp or guitar is just as good as the expensive stuff and only a fool would pay more. Glen's stuff probably validates them too.

This is all based on a strawman, glenn never said he doesn't like expensive gear....thats a strawman you guys made in order to cope with defending your purchases
This is all based on a strawman, glenn never said he doesn't like expensive gear....thats a strawman you guys made in order to cope with defending your purchases
But Glenn's "this thing does not matter" videos do give validation to people who believe that having an expensive guitar or amp is not worth the money. Same as those Jim Lill "where does tone come from" videos that are often not particularly scientific and tend to make wrong conclusions.
another thing that doesn’t really sit well with me is how Glenn has trashed certain bits of gear. Like his technical knowledge and understanding isn’t the greatest, so it just seems a bit odd that he’ll shill certain freebies regardless of whether they sound good or not or whether he’s used them much and other things he’ll just destroy to get a rise out of people.

I’m sure there are kids following his channel who could put that gear to good use, and it just seems overly wasteful and disrespectful to smash something for no reason. He’s not 15 (he’s like 50 right?) and without getting to Greta Thunberg on him there’s really no need to waste stuff like that.

Just embarrassing when he’d rather remain pig ignorant on gear and smash it up thinking it’s funny rather than doing something productive with it.

I’d love to see Glenn re-evaluate his stance on (the previous DAW that he used and was a huge advocate for) SAWStudio. He was one of the few suckers that thought it wasn’t a total con of a DAW. Always found it hilarious that he shit on all other DAW’s years ago and was using that one. For someone who claims to hate bullshit, that’s one hell of a DAW choice.

SAW Studio - up to 120 tracks and yours for only $2500
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