I’ve spent more time than I should have in the Flailing In My Turds thread about the band cancelling a headlining festival gig because they lost their laptops and couldn’t do the set.
I’ve said it numerous times in the thread, I LOVE bands that utilize the same elements as Flailing In My Turds; backing tracks, loops, samples, plenty of sh*t running on tracks that can’t really be done live without a huge synth/sampler rig. My issue isn’t with that at all. It’s the fact that FIVE F*CKING GUYS on a stage can’t even figure out alternate arrangements of their own damn songs to pull off a show.
The younger TGP’ers can’t stop calling anyone who looks down on the band a boomer, while the older crowd just talks sh*t about anyone using samples live.
It‘s 30 pages of TGP hot takes from both the older and younger guys.
Haha! You'd pen a killer memoir someday, Drew.
My beef with modern live performance is that the production aesthetic of the studio
is now EXPECTED on stage. You don't do it you're fucked!
People won't believe it (apart form the old turds flailing in their fleeting days here on

), but we all used to expect a different experience/product when we went to see
bands play live. Maybe they even took a song out and extended the Outro (Hello, Rush) or
they doubled the length of the guitar solo in that single---and they could do it, and we all
loved it, because they were not locked into playing along to a click and being forced to hit
specific cues where samples/tracks come in on the Chorus.
This Pro Tools Generation needs their 128 tracks backing up/playing along with the
4 dudes on stage. WTF??
It blows. It cheats what the live experience could be. They might as well be up their miming
their performances as far as I am concerned----because there is less and less "live" and "in
the moment" about it as time goes on.
I don't want/need TV Production standards from the Kelly Clarkson show determining
what my fave band is gonna do on stage? When I go see a band live I expect it to be LIVE
and not Post-Modern Karaoke. Is that too much to ask??
Yes, I know it's too much to ask. :lol