I had a dream…


Rock Star
So I had a dream last night that I was getting set up for a big show and I was really really excited because instead of my digital rig I was getting to use my old Mark IV head and a couple Mesa 2x12s.

And I was also excited because instead of a DI with an IR I was going to be micing the cabs.

Maybe my dreams are trying to tell me something
Here, let me interpret your dream;
You subconsciously resent digital gear knowing it's all smoke and mirrors, and your soul yearns for the real experience.
Dreams don't care though that you're flesh and blood and have a spine that can be easily damaged.
And what a dream it was! (Killer fictional setup lol)

I do miss my Mesa amps sometimes. I never had a Mesa 2x12 so I’m not sure where that came from, haha. Back then I was using Avatar 2x12 cabs with greenbacks

Here, let me interpret your dream;
You subconsciously resent digital gear knowing it's all smoke and mirrors, and your soul yearns for the real experience.
Dreams don't care though that you're flesh and blood and have a spine that can be easily damaged.

That seems… surprisingly close to the mark.

I love digital gear and I don’t think it’s all smoke and mirrors… but there is a sort of connection I feel with old analog amps I don’t feel with my digital gear and I do miss that at times.

And it’s more the reality of where and what I play that keeps holding me back.
Better than the dream I had about our chiller system going down as a result of a freon leak and me trying to literally plug the leaks with band-aids. :rofl

It was definitely a "dream." We all know no actual amps or cabs are allowed on stage for a "big show." ;)
It was definitely a "dream." We all know no actual amps or cabs are allowed on stage for a "big show." ;)
Ain’t that the best part of micing up an old 8” combo behind stage and send it out in a football stadium size venue?