I don't get the Dumble thing

The Dude pedal sounds good but it feels nothing like a Dumble. There is way more dynamics in the amp. The pedal sounds far more open than it is.
For me The Dude pedal was just a dude.
Not enough gain.
Reminded me of an OCD with less gain & bass.
Loved the tone but it just always was not enough of that killer juicy gain.
Message to “The Dude”:
-I’ll take a stock Blues Driver over you
and hammer it on home.
If I were gunning for that Dumble thing in a pedal:
I’d go Amplified Nation Big Bloom.

Larry….I would have FINISHED HIM.
Tiago flatlined him so I’m not that bummed.
The worst/best part of all that dude?
Those guys kissing his butt that have deposits will get nothing. The wisest thing they can do is put that energy in getting their deposits back.
Plus, he openly admits that teenage gimp’chick
he exploits as some form of a dimepiece,
will be fervently building their $10k amplifiers.
..lol wat? I apparently missed something pretty entertaining.
For me The Dude pedal was just a dude.
Not enough gain.
Reminded me of an OCD with less gain & bass.
Loved the tone but it just always was not enough of that killer juicy gain.
Message to “The Dude”:
-I’ll take a stock Blues Driver over you
and hammer it on home.
I love when people make Dumble style pedals, some of which seem based on the ODS, and yet it's completely lacking in gain. The ODS circuit can get some pretty awesome high gain sounds.
For me The Dude pedal was just a dude.
Not enough gain.

What? How much gain do you expect from typical dumble-ish tones? I mean, it's not as if Carlton, Ford and whom not were high gain monsters.

Reminded me of an OCD with less gain & bass.

I don't think it's got anything to do with an OCD at all. Got a Hustle Drive (pretty accurate OCD clone) next to the Dude on my board and I'm lacking ideas of how anyone could compare them at all.

Message to “The Dude”:
-I’ll take a stock Blues Driver over you
and hammer it on home.

Yet some more apples and oranges.
My Dude has a good amount of gain on tap. Way more than my Super Phat Mod (modded BD-2) or my other ODs. It gets pretty saturated above noon on the dial. If I want more gain than that out of a pedal I can use my Rat, DS1 or Muffs. Different voicings but still.
Same here (obviously). Add to that it's compressing quite a bit without much gain dialed in, too (which I kind of learned to love). More gain has hardly ever been one of my wishes regarding the Dude.
That’s what it is, too much compression not letting aggression through.
Not referring to super high gain.
The pedal sounds great, just always wanted more of it.
Same old ripping people off/making them wait/outright theft/playground arguing he's been doing for years, but now with some psychosecual coprophilia sprinkled on top
No, before that. I'm not even tracking who we are talking about or the shenanigans and folderol that got us here.
Btw, just got my LAB L5 back from the tech, instantly plugged in when I got home, and remembered why these are 100% my favorite amps! ❤️

At first, I went for a mock Fender Twin setting, which it'll pull off with ease, but then I realized the LAB's have that specific fizzy/farty (yet thick-sounding, almost like a parallel blend) breakup that I mostly associate with how a Dumble ODS sounds in my head...

Turned the (800 Hz scooped) mids back up quite a bit, added a touch of bass, reduced excess treble, and TA-DA! There it was... ☀️

With beefy humbuckers it does "that Dumble thing" quite nicely. Blackface Fender, but on steroids, and very musical.
I gigged one of them for a couple of years. Replaced the stock speakers with EV12Ls and stuck it on top of a dummy 4x12 with a mic.
LOVED the parametric EQ and built in compression!!!!

Best SS amp EVER!
Not meaning to derail this thread, but the stock speaker brands did vary over the years.

The one I got repaired had a pair of old Rola's, which sounded a tad dull. One of them went belly-up, and the tech replaced it with a spare Peavey Sheffield he had laying around - a rather unpopular and cheap speaker, but it's "ice pick" treble works surprisingly well together with the remaining original Rola, and makes the amp sound balanced and rich.