Posted in my NAD thread but here's a hybrid setup I'm messing with.
Guitar runs to the Axe FX 3, out to the Friedman through a load box, then back into the Fractal for effects, then to studio monitors. Sounds killer, feels really good too. Takes a lot of guess work out of the amp models because that part is all analog. I can't really feel any latency. I'm not sensitive to latency unless it's a computer running a plugin for some reason.
I'll have to mess around with analog drive pedals before the amp. Ideally I'd run digital drives because it's easier to switch in and out. Also the JJ clean channel is pretty dang clean so it's a different approach than edge of breakup. It's more colors and layers rather than gain.
One other thing I was doing was using a Twin Reverb clean channel on the Fractal and then swapping that in and leaving the Friedan on dirty. I don't have a good way to switch channels via scenes yet. It sounds pretty good but I think clean tones are a little more basic than heavy.
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