Hybrid Rig Setups!

My current hybrid rig isn't exactly impressive but it's really working for me.

The PAE-1's output goes to my Marshall DSL40C's effects return and it's powering a 2x12 with creambacks.
Why a power amp sim when you plug into one?
You can get different power amp sounds and it can act cranked with the emulator. I put a demo of it up earlier.

When I run it into the computer interface, I also add a Mooer Radar for IRs.

Edit - here's the demo:

You can really see what it's doing if you compare the beginning with around 20 seconds in the video.
I’m not sure if I’m following. The slave out is a post power amp line out. It should be the same thing you’re getting from your reactive load.
I always thought that was the case. Manual verbiage is kind of confusing. It says Slave Out is a preamp signal in one spot but it's a signal derived from the speaker jack in another sentence in the same paragraph. That's conflicting information and I treat it as a preamp send vs. total signal:
"This 1/4” jack and control provide a signal derived from the speaker jack. Perfect for using either Recto,(Dual or Triple Heads) as a master pre-amp, and additional power amps for more power when needed. Some players use the SLAVEto derive an FX Send Signal and go to other amps for their wet sound."
I always thought that was the case. Manual verbiage is kind of confusing. It says Slave Out is a preamp signal in one spot but it's a signal derived from the speaker jack in another sentence in the same paragraph. That's conflicting information and I treat it as a preamp send vs. total signal:
"This 1/4” jack and control provide a signal derived from the speaker jack. Perfect for using either Recto,(Dual or Triple Heads) as a master pre-amp, and additional power amps for more power when needed. Some players use the SLAVEto derive an FX Send Signal and go to other amps for their wet sound."
If it's derived from the speaker out then it would include the poweramp. This doesn't mean you can't use that signal to drive another poweramp, same deal as e.g using a full digital amp model into a poweramp.

I think you just need to try it and compare to what you get out of the reactive load.
If it's derived from the speaker out then it would include the poweramp. This doesn't mean you can't use that signal to drive another poweramp, same deal as e.g using a full digital amp model into a poweramp.

I think you just need to try it and compare to what you get out of the reactive load.
Yeah I read the description and immediately abandoned the Slave Out idea. I haven't circled back to it mainly because it was a spot I was already in. The Badlander CabClone turd was a nail in that coffin as far as this generation of Boogie stuff goes for me.
This gave me flashbacks, I’ve been there!

I think big stages like that are where IEMs are the most helpful because wherever you are on stage it brings all your monitoring right to your ears, so distance becomes a non-issue

It was well before the age of IEMs. We were just green and excited about the opportunity, without
knowing we needed some sidefills, or better/more monitoring on the stage. Wedges at the front
are not always sufficient. Now I know. :idk

It taught me to NOT spread out on the stage and use all of the space. Much more effective to stay compact
and keep the amps tight into the Drummer.... for everyone's sake.

But yeah, it was so deflating, and I could not wait for that gig to be over. The one time I felt like a
total poser on the stage faking my way into a good time. Because I was! :LOL:
Posted in my NAD thread but here's a hybrid setup I'm messing with.

Guitar runs to the Axe FX 3, out to the Friedman through a load box, then back into the Fractal for effects, then to studio monitors. Sounds killer, feels really good too. Takes a lot of guess work out of the amp models because that part is all analog. I can't really feel any latency. I'm not sensitive to latency unless it's a computer running a plugin for some reason.

I'll have to mess around with analog drive pedals before the amp. Ideally I'd run digital drives because it's easier to switch in and out. Also the JJ clean channel is pretty dang clean so it's a different approach than edge of breakup. It's more colors and layers rather than gain.

One other thing I was doing was using a Twin Reverb clean channel on the Fractal and then swapping that in and leaving the Friedan on dirty. I don't have a good way to switch channels via scenes yet. It sounds pretty good but I think clean tones are a little more basic than heavy.

Posted in my NAD thread but here's a hybrid setup I'm messing with.

Guitar runs to the Axe FX 3, out to the Friedman through a load box, then back into the Fractal for effects, then to studio monitors. Sounds killer, feels really good too. Takes a lot of guess work out of the amp models because that part is all analog. I can't really feel any latency. I'm not sensitive to latency unless it's a computer running a plugin for some reason.

I'll have to mess around with analog drive pedals before the amp. Ideally I'd run digital drives because it's easier to switch in and out. Also the JJ clean channel is pretty dang clean so it's a different approach than edge of breakup. It's more colors and layers rather than gain.

One other thing I was doing was using a Twin Reverb clean channel on the Fractal and then swapping that in and leaving the Friedan on dirty. I don't have a good way to switch channels via scenes yet. It sounds pretty good but I think clean tones are a little more basic than heavy.

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Why amp with studio monitors instead of a guitar cab?
My least favourite is 4 CM with Axe 3 because of the loss of attack. The best sounding way to use my gear is WDW with full analog dry VHT Soldano mesa dry and Axe matrix wet ""FRFR"" cabs . Used with a fully true bypass analog front end . Once you use that everything else is a compromise.
Check your AFX's audio setup, and max pad your guitar input and amp preamp input.

On my FM3 I've found that my LP's with SD JB's in the bridge will round the waveform without the red light showing, thusly killing attack, and the 18db guitar input pad did away with the issue. If need be you can make up any gain later. AFX3 might be different though?

Also, make sure you hit your tube preamp with guitar level if it doesn't have a dedicated line input. Being too hot here will soften the attack.

Double check all the AFX3 I/O levels as well etc.

Ultimately my FM3 does pretty well with regards to dynamics this way, slightly softer than straight in, but much better than relying on the FM3's front panel metering, and the noise floor increase is not a problem.

My hybrid rig is a non-turbo FM3 4CM with various pedals, various tube preamps, and a ToneX One for tube power amp sim/room sim/EQ in the FM3's FX Loop (along with the FM3's amp models for dual amp usage).
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Just spent an hour with this setup. Pedalboard into amp, then a big ass Light pedal with spring and tremolo reverbs on the FX send going into a digital delay/reverb pedal. Then stereo to HX Stomp for double power amp sim (from computer) and finally dual cab block on the Stomp. Just wow. Bonus is I can turn up the master vol on the amp for some extra dry signal.
View attachment 41030
Just spent an hour with this setup. Pedalboard into amp, then a big ass Light pedal with spring and tremolo reverbs on the FX send going into a digital delay/reverb pedal. Then stereo to HX Stomp for double power amp sim (from computer) and finally dual cab block on the Stomp. Just wow. Bonus is I can turn up the master vol on the amp for some extra dry signal.
You were not embellishing. That Light pedal is obnoxiously large. It’s probably necessary given how it works but that’s a tough sell for my pedalboards.
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You were not embellishing. That Light pedal is obnoxiously large. It’s probably necessary given how it works but that’s a tough sell for modern pedalboards.
Yep, too large for the floor for me so I’ll keep it up top at home. If you absolutely need it on a pedalboard there will have to be sacrifices. And the slanted edges makes it obnoxiously take up a few more millimeters of space on the sides!

Easier to experiment without bending down to adjust shit. There’s an EXP out on it though that you can map to any knob so you can set up for example a very light always-on spring mix and then have the mix for a tremolo effect optical reverb mapped to an expression pedal on the floor.

But anyways, pretty enormous pedal!
View attachment 41030
Just spent an hour with this setup. Pedalboard into amp, then a big ass Light pedal with spring and tremolo reverbs on the FX send going into a digital delay/reverb pedal. Then stereo to HX Stomp for double power amp sim (from computer) and finally dual cab block on the Stomp. Just wow. Bonus is I can turn up the master vol on the amp for some extra dry signal.

I enjoyed the demo of this reverb pedal. Congratulations on getting it.

Whenever I borrow a reverb pedal from a friend for a day of noodling, I usually go for the plate algorithm these days. It's kind of forgiving for the lack of a better word, and also versatile.

Has anyone made an actual plate reverb in a pedal concept? Would probably measure as long as a big pedalboard and the user will have to workout in a gym for a few years earlier, to be able to lift the board on which it would be mounted.