There's a lot subtle about Sascha. But nobody round these parts would need to know.
Anyhow, on a serious note,
@mercifulfuzziness (and yes, I actually tried to be more subtle so far): If you continue like this, you will very likely never improve on your playing. And as a result, your "toanz" won't improve, either, because even if people like to make fun of it, much of it actually is in the fingers, especially with those players you seem to like, such as SRV or Sayce.
From what you're telling, you don't have all that much time and you're not that experienced yet. Absolutely fine, really. But in the time you have, given your activity on this very forum, you seem to be endlessly thinking about whatever minute details related to guitar tone.
The stuff you own is around 76873 times better than what many, many of us here had in our formative years. If you can't get decent results out of it, it's not the equipment.
No, you don't need a "more dynamic" modeler than the HX Stomp, it's absolutely sufficient. No, you don't need a QC, either. No, you don't need gazillions of IR packs, the HX cabs are great (and you have gotten plenty of guidance to use them properly already). No, you don't need new pickups until you can very exactly pinpoint to the reason why you would need them.
What you need to do is, well, see FZ's album title.
Then record some small bits and post them here in case you want tips regarding your playing and sound. There's some great players and tasty sound experts round these parts, they will more than happily help you out. But nobody can help you out with these tons of non-issues coming out of the blue.
Ok, guess that was it for now. I'm terribly sorry in case this comes across harsh, it's defenitely not meant to be. Just honest. And fwiw, I'm speaking out of experience (both my own and from plenty of students).