I love all the effects. I can't think of an effect I don't love. Their usage rate, though, is
super variable. It all depends on the song, the instruments/players in the group, where
I need to sit. Gotta have some dry signal in there otherwise everything can just be a
messy wash of trails and tails.
I have found that a wet/dry setup works best for me, that way I can indulge in FX
more and not lose all the immediacy and attack from the notes I am playing.
This is just my personal preference, but I enjoy and gain better results from a wet/dry
rig than I do a true stereo or dual mono rig. I keep all the time based FX AFTER amps/dirt
and will run some Phaser and Vibe IN FRONT of amps/dirt.
Essentials are always having a Boost, some 'Verb, and Delay accessible. Those are not
optional. But not all of those will be on all the time. I am still a fan of the totally Dry signal
especially as a foundation upon which to layer other sparkly bits.