Just wanted to chime in on the appreciate wagon here. Happy to see Tom and the other dudes back at it. Back when the “shutdown” happened it was truly heartbreaking. I had so many great memories related to starting up a band with a friend back in -14-15 and I was experimenting with pedals. I quickly found a great home in the “new” digitech pedals, like the Polara and Obscura. And of course the Dod reissues.
It was also the activity in the pedal forum on TGP that was a big part. Toms presence there and all the discussions and interactions with pedal users and experiences with using the pedals. I strongly to this day associate those four years the band was active with the digitech/dod pedals almost to a level that the pedal memories themselves means more to me now than what we actually played (life of a gear nerd I guess).
Anyways… love this. Happy to se something going on Tom
I’ve been struggling as a homeplayer since 2018 and been on and off about my interest (is this fun or not) in playing guitar and with gear all together. Packed up everything back in November and haven’t touched the guitar since because i got tired on myself for being dragged into some kind of social media expectation on my self weird state of mind….
Buuut. Still have some Dod’s in my drawer… the only pedals i cant dare to sell. Because they’re fun freaking pedals. Carcosa being the one closest to my heart, and of course the 250 and gunslinger. If I find it in me to summon some kind of lust to play again (mostly related to modelers and tweaking them) I’ll fire up those dods the first thing I do.
I miss the ol Polara though. Great pedal. Simple and beautiful. Quick Google and I notice there’s new knobs on the Polara at some point. They ugly man

doesn’t do the art justice. The og Polara knobs was way better looking. I guess enough people complained about that whole “can’t see my settings” haha.
Anyway. Just throwing in some personal ramblings here.. happy about all this though and it will be fun to see what you guys are up to.