Here we go again

Oh wow. So you gotta re-open each preset, re-assign and re-save?

Yep, exactly.

Apparently Fender thought the most popular way to use this would be to have it work on some presets but not others. And it’s off by default. You have to remember to go in and turn it on for every single preset you build.

Yep, exactly.

Apparently Fender thought the most popular way to use this would be to have it work on some presets but not others. And it’s off by default. You have to remember to go in and turn it on for every single preset you build.

Actually I think you have to turn it on on for every pedal assignment individually, not just per preset, so if you have more than one pedal assignment in a given preset, you have to set that parameter for all of them individually.
I'm not at my TMP so I could be mistaken but that's what I remember. This really should be changed to a choice of being turned on by default "Globally" or Pre-Preset".
Would be a lot easier that way. Maybe it can be a feature request if enough users agree.
Actually I think you have to turn it on on for every pedal assignment individually, not just per preset, so if you have more than one pedal assignment in a given preset, you have to set that parameter for all of them individually.
I'm not at my TMP so I could be mistaken but that's what I remember. This really should be changed to a choice of being turned on by default "Globally" or Pre-Preset".
Would be a lot easier that way. Maybe it can be a feature request if enough users agree.

Yep, that is correct. You have to manually turn it on for every exp pedal assignment in every preset.
For the record, this decision to go with the TMP and simplify my signal chains was not inspired by EJ. I didn’t even know he was using one until after I got mine :rofl

Is he using one? The article doesn't say.
Couple hrs in.. Update done .. I've owned probably every modeler known to man..

First blush

I like it..

I’m liking it too. I’m getting a feel for it and getting things dialed in and it’s working very well for me right now.
I put in another feature request to add another "Global EQ" so you can have a seperate on on output 1 & output 2. I haven't actually used the global EQ on the TMP yet but I use them on my FM9. I like to have one for use on the FOH send and one for in-ears or a stage monitor. I'm not quite ready to gig the TMP yet but 2 Global EQ's would be handy.
I put in another feature request to add another "Global EQ" so you can have a seperate on on output 1 & output 2. I haven't actually used the global EQ on the TMP yet but I use them on my FM9. I like to have one for use on the FOH send and one for in-ears or a stage monitor. I'm not quite ready to gig the TMP yet but 2 Global EQ's would be handy.

Yeah, that’s a great suggestion. In my Fractal gear it’s been really useful having the ability to set different EQ on different outputs!
I like the TMP so far but there are a number of features absent compared to the Helix/QC/Fractals of the world. I just went past the return window on the TMP (had to think hard about that) but I do like some of the tones I can get and the relative simplicity so I've decided to stick it out for now.

It's pretty early in it's development cycle and I am hoping that Fender is going to keep the development & updates coming through the next few years. I guess we'll see about that as time goes on but I am going to prod them with ideas when I run into things that I think need to be improved.
I like the TMP so far but there are a number of features absent compared to the Helix/QC/Fractals of the world. I just went past the return window on the TMP (had to think hard about that) but I do like some of the tones I can get and the relative simplicity so I've decided to stick it out for now.

It's pretty early in it's development cycle and I am hoping that Fender is going to keep the development & updates coming through the next few years. I guess we'll see about that as time goes on but I am going to prod them with ideas when I run into things that I think need to be improved.
I'm on Discord too as DexterRiley, I've thown in a ton of suggestions too as I'm rooting for the TMP. It does have promise.
I’m liking it too. I’m getting a feel for it and getting things dialed in and it’s working very well for me right now.
I'd like it much more if I could replicate or improve on my 15 yr old Axe Fx Std.. The devil I know.. Been trying to replace it for many yrs now :idk