Hello Fresh Anyone? I Like It


Rock Star
My sister turned me on to them a few months ago (single guy here, which means about the only thing I "cook" is those frozen dinners you cook in a pan), sending me home with 2 of their meals. I've never really cooked much for myself, but my late brother, who's house I took over, has all the kitchenware needed, so I took to it pretty readily. I like the meals.

So she bought me a 3-meal-a-week subscription for my birthday recently, and I've now done 3 more (meals.) Between prep, cooking, eating, & cleaning up (which I do all at once), it takes me about an hour, and since they're 2 servings, the 2nd one goes in the fridge for microwaving the next day or 2. Which means I'm pretty well set for dinners for a while.

Anyone else tried them? @DrewJD82 didn't you mention a while back you were contributing to the Uber Eats college fund? ;)
I'd be interested in checking this out. I've been good lately but that generally means I'm eating grilled chicken, rice and some green vegetable every single night. I started putting on a few more pounds than I prefer to see myself with so I've been fairly strict with it.....if I could just stop buyin' f*ckin' snacks I shouldn't be buying I'd be good to go.

But to just break up the monotony, I'd definitely like to check this out.

They actually taste fresh? I can't do the TV dinner thing, but I know good stuff does exist out there. My dad was going something like this for a while, not sure with who but it was all pretty damn good stuff.
They actually taste fresh?
Absolutely. Real tasty. For the ones I've done: You prep the veggies, get them cooking, prep the meat, add it to the pan the veggies are cooking in, then do a sauce, and put it all together. They have different menu "types" you can choose from, then you pick your meals, or let them send you pre-selected ones. So far I've just been doing, I think it's called American/ meat & veggies, something like that.

I think you can check out the menu, as well as the preparation guide online to get a feel for how its done.

Obviously you need "tools"- baking pans, cutting board, decent set of knives, stove pans, measuring spoons/cups, etc. I don't know what it costs, since it was a gift, but if you (or anyone else) decide to try it, I have 3 gift cards I can send ya. (and probably 3 more waiting in my next delivery box, which is still out on my back porch.)
My sister turned me on to them
First Half GIF
Just wait until you find out how much cheaper it is to buy fresh ingredients yourself, you just have to figure out the recipes and measure out yourself.. :giggle:

I love cooking. I live alone and usually prepare meals for 2-3 days at a time.

I can call cooking my second hobby, I truly enjoy it. Been on an Asion food run for the last 6 months or so, mostly learinng some trad thai dishes with some Korean thrown in. So much delicious food. I usually eat at work so I've been fine tuning the portion sizes to not overat and have lost weight while eating healthy.
My wife and I have tried most of the meal prep companies and we settled on Blue Apron. It’s more “work”, but less prepackaged ingredients. Meals can be on the small side so I usually add some organic veggies to the meal. We throw away so much unused food when we shop for ourselves, it’s nice to have everything pre-measured.
My wife has done Hello Fresh in the past .
It’s really a decent way to try out different meals that we’ve never made before.
Some of them are still in rotation and are prepared by purchasing our own supplies to cook them .
As far as the serving size 😂
It’s more a hungry boy size , definitely not a hungry man size .
Just wait until you find out how much cheaper it is to buy fresh ingredients yourself, you just have to figure out the recipes and measure out yourself.. :giggle:

I love cooking. I live alone and usually prepare meals for 2-3 days at a time.

I can call cooking my second hobby, I truly enjoy it. Been on an Asion food run for the last 6 months or so, mostly learinng some trad thai dishes with some Korean thrown in. So much delicious food. I usually eat at work so I've been fine tuning the portion sizes to not overat and have lost weight while eating healthy.
It's finding the recipe that's often the hard part!

In our household often neither of us knows what we want for dinner so we end up making something we've made before or something quick enough to do if we are slightly hungry already. We've been trying to go to the rather big row of cookbooks lining our bookshelf more often to find new things.

We made eggplant with miso sauce about a week ago and it turned out great. Basically carve the eggplant into cubes, roll in some flour, deep fry them, bake the eggplant shells a bit in the oven, combine back together and pour miso sauce (white miso paste, sake, mirin, sugar) over. Served with some bean sprouts, cherry tomatoes and salad. Yum!

At least we have all 3 major Finnish grocery store chains right next door so it's easy to go buy ingredients. They are commonly called the "K- and S-mafia" because of their prevalence and how they've driven small independent grocery stores pretty much out of business. Then there's the German Lidl which is often the cheapest option.

Cooking is a lot of fun if you can take the time and effort to it.
never tried them, but my food truck was hired as a mobile kitchen for three of their commercials.

the first one was with jessica alba. she could not be cooler. super nice and ate lunch with everyone in the crew and me. the second was lea michelle. totally kept to herself, cold as ice. the third one was mindy kaling. didn't interact with her but heard nothing but good things.