Great band names that never will be

No joke. When I was in college in Spain, back in the '80s, there was a band actually called ESKROTO

Another bands were called "Escroto Putrefacto" (rotten scrotus), "Alopecia eskrotal" (scrotal alopecia), "Imperdibles en el escroto" (needle-safety-pins at the scrotum), "Prepucios irritados" (irritated foreskin), "Kancer de escroto"...

A song named "Escroto de rata" (Rat Scrotus)

Other Spanish band names:

Tarzán y su puta madre buscan piso en Alcobendas (Tarzan and his Wh*re mother looking are looking for a flat in Alcobendas)
Cagando sin papel (defcating without paper)
Tu Madre Es Puta (You mother is a Wh*re)

Papel de culo (tissue for the ass)
Kagando blando (defecating soft)
Kagando duro (defecating hard)
Coito nasal (nasal coitus)
Chorretón de lefa en la almeja de tu vieja (cumming in the c*nt of your old mother)
Pota fresca (fresh vomit)
Pre-menstrual blood
Intestinal Rage
La Polla Records
Los que mataron a Bruce Lee (the ones that killed Bruce Lee)
Exquisite Pus
Cancer & tumors
Derrape en el Kalzón (cum at the pants)
Ataud Vacante (vacant coffin)
Porcus Christi (Christ Pig)
M.C.D Me cago en Dios (I defecate in God)
Engullepollas (dicks eater)
Arkada anal (anal vomit)
Diez consoladores pa la madre superiora (10 dildos for the Chief Nun)
Larva fecal
Esencia de lapo (spit essence)
Tortilla de tripis (LSD omelette)
Arrankame los brazos y pegame con ellos (extirpate my arms and beat me with them)
Masturbación epiléptika
Me pika el chirri (my pussy itches)
Eyaculo en tu culo
Guerra de pollazos (big dicks war)
Dios es ***** (God is black)
Cagando padentro (pooping towards the inside)
Frank Sikiatra
Afinando a tu madre (tuning your mother)
Impacto fecal
Revuelto de Ojetes (scrambled arseholes)
Los niños de la pus (Children of the pus)
Gatos aplastados (smashed cats)
La askerosa de tu madre (your disgusting mother)
Los huevos de Kinder (Kinder bollocks)
Aborto obligatorio (compulsory abortion)
Zorras adolescentes (teenager Wh*res)
Análisis de orina (urine analysis)
Ave María putíssima (super-Wh*re Ave Maria)
Micción anal (anal urination)
Puré de sesos (smashed brains)
DKV: Descendientes del Koño de la Virgen (descendants of the virgin's c*nt)
Dios existe y es muy feo (God exists and he is very ugly)
Eyaculación Postmortem
Doctor esperma
Gargara menstrual (menstrual mouthwash)
Dolor de polla (dickpain)
Calcetines sudaos (sweated socks)
El enano copulador y sus espermatozoides incontrolados (the copulator dwarf and his uncontrolled sperm)
Aprieta’l kulo (tighten your ass)
Patada al rey (Kick the king)
Silicona pa tus tetas (Silicon for your tits)
Mamada Satánica (Satanic blowjob)

edit: WTF this forum doesn't allow me to write the word "*****"? "***** is the word for black color in Spanish
Definition of ***** at The Spanish Royal Academy of Language:*****
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