Graph Tech introduces new nut for Floyd Rose bridges

Here is the back of the head on one of Steve Vai’s guitars;
It’s plastic “ it bends” is not the same as “it’s bent“.
Back to understanding of English.
It isn’t as effective as a hex key you can feel the torque far more easily on a key . I have practically every type of 3mm hex tool available and always return to the standard key because it works.
How much fucking torque do you require on a Floyd system? 140-150 lb-ft? :columbo

No wonder you bent the fucking thing! :LOL:

Here's more evidence that anyone can use to make up their minds:

The Amazon listing for a 2-pack has 261 reviews of this product with a 4.7 star rating.

(I'd link, but the board does not allow Amazon links for whatever reason - easy to look up)

Now, you'd think if this tool was a turd, people wouldn't be giving it such lofty praise.

The Amazon listing for a single pack is even better with 363 reviews with a 4.8 star rating.

(I'd link, but the board does not allow Amazon links for whatever reason - easy to look up)

So, something's rotten in the state of Denmark, and it sure the fuck ain't me or the HexHider.
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How much fucking torque do you require on a Floyd system? 140-150 lb-ft? :columbo

No wonder you bent the fucking thing! :LOL:
What I wrote was perfectly clear.
According to Floyd you need the nut squeaky tight and he’s right. I’ve been fitting and using these since 83. Thousands of setups and must be couple of hundred installed.
How much fucking torque do you require on a Floyd system? 140-150 lb-ft? :columbo

No wonder you bent the fucking thing! :LOL:

Here's more evidence that anyone can use to make up their minds:

The Amazon listing for a 2-pack has 261 reviews of this product with a 4.7 star rating.

Now, you'd think if this tool was a turd, people wouldn't be giving it such lofty praise.

The Amazon listing for a single pack is even better with 363 reviews with a 4.8 star rating.

So, something's rotten in the state of Denmark, and it sure the fuck ain't me or the HexHider.

It’s a great idea but badly flawed in execution.
How in the world is this even remotely meant to be a replacement for a locking nut? What a nonsense.
It's done since ages already, too. It's called locking tuners and a properly filed/adjusted nut.
I believe the use case for the graph tech product is retrofitting a guitar that already has a shelf cut for a locking nut.

Good luck!
I dug out the Hex Hider piece of shit that I have lying around and tried it again and it broke. The metal hex bit just jumps round when you try to tighten it up. The Schaller key holder on my old Jackson is so much better .
Hell, that's nothing.

I dug out my 3mm wrench and as I was turning it on the locking nut screws, it snapped in half... the loose part that wasn't in my hand bounced off the table 17x and then penetrated my skull by 3" - right in the forehead! Had to go to ER but they just told me I was crazy... wrapped a bandage around my head, gave me a couple Nuprin ("little, yellow, different") and sent me home. Had to use a pair of vise grips to pull the thing out.

Anyhoo, once I was done extracting metal from my forehead, I dug out my HexHider and finished the job with zero medical issues and zero guitar issues!

(Then again, I might be incredibly full of shit... just like the post above me) :ROFLMAO:
Hell, that's nothing.

I dug out my 3mm wrench and as I was turning it on the locking nut screws, it snapped in half... the loose part that wasn't in my hand bounced off the table 17x and then penetrated my skull by 3" - right in the forehead! Had to go to ER but they just told me I was crazy... wrapped a bandage around my head, gave me a couple Nuprin ("little, yellow, different") and sent me home. Had to use a pair of vise grips to pull the thing out.

Anyhoo, once I was done extracting metal from my forehead, I dug out my HexHider and finished the job with zero medical issues and zero guitar issues!

(Then again, I might be incredibly full of shit... just like the post above me) :ROFLMAO:
My experience with the Hexhider somewhat matches Eagle's. I can't say I had a problem with it, because I'm not a heavy trem user, so it locked it tightly enough to work for me.
But when I checked the tighteness with a regular wrench, there was about a 1/4 turn left even though it felt completely tight with the HH.

On the OT, this is cool but honestly I only unlock the nut in for string changes.
Once my strings are properly stretched and locked, the fine tuners give me enough range for the minor tuning tweaks l need.
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Marketing. Ive never had trouble w/a locking nut in 40 yrs.

Me neither.
Lock vibrato properly during string exchange, stretch strings properly when done, possibly play a bit with the nut unlocked, stretch again, lock nut, done. I always kept a suitable hex wrench in little clip at the back of the headstock.
I absolutely don't understand all the fuss people make about FR systems.
Me neither.
Lock vibrato properly during string exchange, stretch strings properly when done, possibly play a bit with the nut unlocked, stretch again, lock nut, done. I always kept a suitable hex wrench in little clip at the back of the headstock.
I absolutely don't understand all the fuss people make about FR systems.
Like putting locking tuners on a LP never had a problem w/a LP.
Hell, that's nothing.

I dug out my 3mm wrench and as I was turning it on the locking nut screws, it snapped in half... the loose part that wasn't in my hand bounced off the table 17x and then penetrated my skull by 3" - right in the forehead! Had to go to ER but they just told me I was crazy... wrapped a bandage around my head, gave me a couple Nuprin ("little, yellow, different") and sent me home. Had to use a pair of vise grips to pull the thing out.

Anyhoo, once I was done extracting metal from my forehead, I dug out my HexHider and finished the job with zero medical issues and zero guitar issues!

(Then again, I might be incredibly full of shit... just like the post above me) :ROFLMAO:
Well the post above is true but yours is full of shit,

Here it is on the guitar I am building.
Well the post above is true but yours is full of shit,
View attachment 34673
Here it is on the guitar I am building.

Yep - there it is. "Conclusive proof" that yours broke on you. :farley

Looks healthy to me. Even if it did break on you, the overwhelmingly positive reviews on Amazon squash that bug.

You simply don't understand how things work when you make bold claims.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

There can be no doubt you are, as they say, "taking the piss" with that picture here.
Yep - there it is. "Conclusive proof" that yours broke on you. :farley

Looks healthy to me. Even if it did break on you, the overwhelmingly positive reviews on Amazon squash that bug.

You simply don't understand how things work when you make bold claims.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

There can be no doubt you are, as they say, "taking the piss" with that picture here.