Gp 10 as an efx unit?

Here’s the thing…
I have a ”main board“…and a “smallboard“ that fits in my gigbag.
‘Also..there’s a 3 unit rack with a mixer I use when I play duo with a vocalist.

‘My boss GT core commutes between the 3. 1st world problem…but that commuting results in it not being on my main board a lot cause I’m too lazy to mess with cables…and I see that as a con..cause the more I use my main board…the better I know it..the better the endresult..yadidayadida.

so..I’m looking to add a unit that can sit on the smallboard.

Smallboard is an ethos overdriveamp, a drive pedal…and a boss GT core that commutes.
Gt handles compression, modulated stereo delay (.1/8 1/4 thingy), modulated verb, master volume, global eq, stereo split to 2 amps.

Buying a second Core feels as too much $ for my lazy ass, a hx stomp…also, and I don’t gel with l6 verbs (pre update at least), mooer…not a fan of the verbs either.

it needs to be small, decent verb/delay, global eq (preferably split l/r), volume control, not to expensive.

Boss GT1 is an option..
Coming across a used gp 10 as we speak..little more expensive, least it gives me something extra. (I own a gk loaded guitar)
Any users here that can give feedback on the main uses case: gp 10 on multi efx duty(using audio, not GK)
Considering the overwhelming positive feedback here on the gp1…I just wrapped up a deal for a used one ;-)

I have owned the GP-10 several times but never used it for FX only. I'm pretty sure it does not have a global eq though. I found the FX to be more than serviceable.