Gibson Murphy Lab Relics


Rock Star
So, you either think relics are cool, or not. Some find it poser-ish, and I get it. Personally, I dig them, when they're well done.

I was at Chicago Music Exchange on Friday (yesterday), and whilst I do think Gibson's quality has gotten more consistent (based on the frickin' wall of Les Pauls, SG's, etc), I will say the Murphy Lab stuff is hilarious. Not that it's poorly built, but that the relics look cheap and fake. That wouldn't bother me, if they were reasonably priced. BUT, they're $8000+. Dude. Come on now. In the case of an SG, you're going to pay FOUR TIMES as much to have it look older, and a poor job at that?

Just to show I'm not a relic hater overall, they had some Fender Custom Shop relics that were so convincing, I had to see if it was actually a worn vintage guitar (some actually were), or a brand new CS. Also, Paoletti Guitars do a lot of relic'd guitars, and they were mouth-watering.

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I agree - some can be too much or terribly done, etc. Here’s my 1960 Reissue Benchmark that feels and plays phenomenally. I paid $3800 for it. It’s awesome and all, but no way would I pay near 8 grand…
A. That looks significantly better than the several LP’s and SG’s I spied at CME and

B. $3800 is FAR more reasonable of a price over a standard instrument.

It comes down to quality of relic to price ratio, and you did far better

For example, I’d give up my left nut for the $3500 Paoletti JM-style relic. So hot.
Maybe they’re inconsistent? I’ve seen some Murphy jobs that fooled players into thinking they were real vintage guitars (the price tag helped lol).

I’m out on relic models period, so I don’t have any emotional investment in this topic. I looked up novo guitars because they were the buzz for a minute, completely lost interest when I realized I couldn’t get one properly finished. No way I’m shelling out extra for a fancy relic.

Maybe they’re inconsistent? I’ve seen some Murphy jobs that fooled players into thinking they were real vintage guitars (the price tag helped lol).

I’m out on relic models period, so I don’t have any emotional investment in this topic. I looked up novo guitars because they were the buzz for a minute, completely lost interest when I realized I couldn’t get one properly finished. No way I’m shelling out extra for a fancy relic.

Maybe they’re inconsistent? Dunno. These weren’t fooling anyone. But the one posted earlier (LP) looks great.
I love a lot of relics, the worst ones are generally the ones where they just way overdo at the Fender CS. I love vintage Strats but there‘s no way in hell I’ll be affording one any time soon, so a relic is the next best thing.

The one argument/debate I regularly jumped into on TGP was against the “it’s like stolen valor” or “they’re for posers”. Stolen valor, really? We’re going to compare dents on a f*cking guitar to people who put their lives on the line for their country? Come on, now. And the poser thing; do dents and scratches in a guitar remove someone’s ability to play the damn thing?

I just find it incredibly funny that guys like my uncle, who is 60 now, used to tell me when I was a kid “It doesn’t matter what a guitar looks like, all that matters is what you do with it”…..but ask him what he thinks of a relic and you’ll get the opposite answer! :ROFLMAO:

I DO find it a bit silly to spend a couple grand extra on a guitar because it was beat up by someone in a shop, but there are plenty of options out there to not drop $4500 on a relic. MJT does a great job for quite cheap, I’m quite fond of my ‘Old Man’ Strat!


Whoever did this one put some time into it; where all the paint is chipped away it’s been smoothed over so it’s not just jagged chips of paint. Same thing on the back from the buckle rash, it looks like it happened 30 years ago.
I love a lot of relics, the worst ones are generally the ones where they just way overdo at the Fender CS. I love vintage Strats but there‘s no way in hell I’ll be affording one any time soon, so a relic is the next best thing.

The one argument/debate I regularly jumped into on TGP was against the “it’s like stolen valor” or “they’re for posers”. Stolen valor, really? We’re going to compare dents on a f*cking guitar to people who put their lives on the line for their country? Come on, now. And the poser thing; do dents and scratches in a guitar remove someone’s ability to play the damn thing?

I just find it incredibly funny that guys like my uncle, who is 60 now, used to tell me when I was a kid “It doesn’t matter what a guitar looks like, all that matters is what you do with it”…..but ask him what he thinks of a relic and you’ll get the opposite answer! :ROFLMAO:

I DO find it a bit silly to spend a couple grand extra on a guitar because it was beat up by someone in a shop, but there are plenty of options out there to not drop $4500 on a relic. MJT does a great job for quite cheap, I’m quite fond of my ‘Old Man’ Strat!

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Whoever did this one put some time into it; where all the paint is chipped away it’s been smoothed over so it’s not just jagged chips of paint. Same thing on the back from the buckle rash, it looks like it happened 30 years ago.

That Trem Bar and Tip doesn't match, though. :idk

I am kidding. :rofl

I may have browsed some MJT listings on Reverb, Drew. I hope you feel
nice and guilty now. ;)

I have owned many Strats over the years (and a real "Strat" Strat has to be SSS otherwise it
is a Superstrat and not a Stratocaster, in my opinion).

I still have a couple in SSS config, but not one I have owned has ever blown
my skirt up. Same with Teles. The hunt continues. It won't ever be my primary guitar
but I do want one for the tonal palette. That thing Strats do is so special when you
need/want it.
That Trem Bar and Tip doesn't match, though. :idk

I am kidding. :rofl

I may have browsed some MJT listings on Reverb, Drew. I hope you feel
nice and guilty now. ;)

I have owned many Strats over the years (and a real "Strat" Strat has to be SSS otherwise it
is a Superstrat and not a Stratocaster, in my opinion).

I still have a couple in SSS config, but not one I have owned has ever blown
my skirt up. Same with Teles. The hunt continues. It won't ever be my primary guitar
but I do want one for the tonal palette. That thing Strats do is so special when you
need/want it.

Ha! I knew that Emerald City Guitars vid would plant some seeds! :rofl

That trem bar is temporary, I still need to order a Callaham for it and I didn’t even want the shortened Gilmour bar on this, but out of the 3 Strat bars I have, it’s the only one that fit, damnit!
One of my ongoing Strat issues is I want a larger 50s style neck, but with a Rosewood
fretboard. Per Strat history 60s style necks have Rosewood and 50s style Strats are all
Maple boards. And 70s have the big ass headstock.

#firstworldprooblems :facepalm
One of my ongoing Strat issues is I want a larger 50s style neck, but with a Rosewood
fretboard. Per Strat history 60s style necks have Rosewood and 50s style Strats are all
Maple boards. And 70s have the big ass headstock.

#firstworldprooblems :facepalm

They started introducing rosewood boards in ‘59, so there’s a mix of them out there, but All-Parts has you covered, then we can be 1” bros!

The only chunky necks I have found with Rosewood boards that I like are all unbalanced and
poorly made "Gibsons."


They started introducing rosewood boards in ‘59, so there’s a mix of them out there, but All-Parts has you covered, then we can be 1” bros!

Thanks! I ain't building shit, Drew. ;) I can barely get to a string change at this point.

I'll hunt Reverb and see if I can find something someone else overinvested in,
and now has to sell at a loss. Poor bastards. :crazy
Don't hate relics nor do I care for them, must be cause I'm a noob I've not earned the right of passage to have a relic guitar