Gettin’ all 80’s up in here!

Chorus with another guitar player can sound positively awful---especially if both guys try using it at the same time.
  1. To add subtle texture/movement to a dry tone
Sometimes you want those obvious effects that sound like an effect, but a lot of the time you don’t want the effects to stand out. You just want them to add some interest to a tone without sounding like an obvious effect
Great point!
You have to keep the box until it becomes perma-moist. Aged boxes are truly top tier.

In most cases, I prefer a subtle chorus but I'm not afraid of depth.
Honestly have zero experience in any modeling gear, I stay out of those threads!
One day I am going to try some of this gear out though.

Really thought Id buy a Stomp for my delay, phase and chorus effects but ended up with pedals once again...

It is worth to consider. For a fraction of the price of several analog pedals you can get a FM3 to use only for Effects. Pristine quality, you've got them all, saves on space, allows complex routing, and avoids tap dancing over the pedals.
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Fractal also has the best phase and uni-vibe I've ever used in a digital multi-effect (owned HXFX and Kemper in the past, the latter's u-vibe is particularly bad, just sounds bizarre).
Fractal had the Uni-Vibe nailed day one with the AxeFx Standard. It sounds damn good.
Had the CE1 way back when. It was so lush and pretty. Like my wife on a Friday night. I kid. But yea, great pedal it was.
Anyone check out the Neunaber chroma chorus? Closest I’ve heard to a chorus as 3D sounding. Worth a listen if you come across one.
It is worth to consider. For a fraction of the price of several analog pedals you can get a FM3 to use only for Effects. Pristine quality, you've got them all, saves on space, allows complex routing, and avoids tap dancing over the pedals.
I know this is an older post, but I totally disagree with this. Not only is it a lot more complicated, but it just doesn’t sound as good as dedicated pedals.
I know this is an older post, but I totally disagree with this. Not only is it a lot more complicated, but it just doesn’t sound as good as dedicated pedals.
You’re casting a wide net but I don’t necessarily disagree. I tend to prefer modulation and delays with lots of character and have kept a couple of those “character pedals” around - mainly an old original MXR-117 Flanger, Fulltone Deja-Vibe, phase 90, and CE-2. I haven’t found anything in modeling that really replaces any of these in a convincing way, especially at volume where the original devices just keep sounding and feeling more alive the louder I get. The Deja-Vibe in particular gets so chewy and thick when played loud you’d think it’s alive or something.
You’re casting a wide net but I don’t necessarily disagree. I tend to prefer modulation and delays with lots of character and have kept a couple of those “character pedals” around - mainly an old original MXR-117 Flanger, Fulltone Deja-Vibe, phase 90, and CE-2. I haven’t found anything in modeling that really replaces any of these in a convincing way, especially at volume where the original devices just keep sounding and feeling more alive the louder I get. The Deja-Vibe in particular gets so chewy and thick when played loud you’d think it’s alive or something.
True. Wide net and all. I just think it’s silly advice for someone asking for a pedal to recommend something like the FM3. And while it’s all just opinions, I’m not talking out of my ass; I’ve got the FM9 sitting here, a CE2 clone with the original Panasonic chip, a Walrus Julia v2, and I’ve owned the CE-2w.


I should add to say that when compared with my physical board, I feel like every single pedal does a better job in terms of sound quality, than the FM9 equivalent.
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I agree with this not only for modelers but also the multi-fx units like the Wampler Terraform. That has both a CE1 and DC in it and neither sound anywhere near as good as the dedicated Boss pedals. Same goes for the Strymon Mobius.
I agree 100%. I’ve compared the Mobius, Terraform, and MD-500 to CE-2w, DC-2w, Phase 95, and BF-2. The digital solutions just aren’t there. I love my El Cap v2, Blue Sky v2, and DIG v2 though. I just don’t think digital modulation is an easy thing to do.

God, I can’t not recommend the Terraform hard enough. I couldn’t find a single sound on it that I’d use.