Free Update to the Tonex LRS West Coast Killer Pack!


We are happy to announce that IK Multimedia has made it possible for us to add FREE updates to the capture packs!

If you know LRS you know we love to add value for our customers over time.

First update, we added 6 very high gain captures to the West Coast Killer pack!

A little info on the WCK update:

Four captures made for standard E tuning using a Nobels ODR-1 overdrive and two for drop tuning using a Fortin Blade.

For the update we swapped out the Svetlana Winged C EL34 tubes with 1960's Mullard XF2 EL34s.
We would love to hear your thoughts and even suggestions for future updates.
Catch us on our Tonex Facebook page anytime:
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Much appreciation to @Deadpan and kudos to @IK Multimedia for enabling updates to tone packs. I have this pack, so I’m excited to check out the new stuff.
Thanks much for the purchase!

Was surprised how well the amp worked with the Mullards. I had compared them to the Winged C years ago and thought they were pretty similar with the Mullards being slightly smoother. In this amp they really sing.

That’s awesome on both counts!


Indeed, they were really great about it.