Fractal FM9 tips and tricks

Ok, add me to the “erase all the stock presets and have a small handful of your own“ group. The stock ones are pretty useless if you're a ss pa + cab player anyway, as they seem pretty dependent on the cab/IR being used?
100%. I have about 30 of my own presets from owning the FM series pedals for a few years now. I was an early adopter of both the FM3 and FM9 and love the setup of both of these. I couldn’t care less about stock presets on any modeler or rack unit I’ve used in the past 30 years. Going all the way back to the Rocktron stuff in the mid 90s, every unit seems to have sub-par sounding stock presets, with the Line 6 HD500 being the absolute rock bottom for stock presets IMO.

Having said that, the Fractal presets are the nicest I’ve found, especially now that some of the influencers have presets shipping stock for Fractal. But most all of the presets are just awash in reverb or chorus and I just don’t need all of that. Plus most of the presets lack real heaviness that the FM9 is capable of, and I need all of them to be a bit heavier sounding. So yeah, I build my own rigs in the FM9 for sure.
The only stock presets I ever keep are the weird synth ones that I’d never be able to program myself and I just keep those there for when friends come over and I say “Oh, check this out!”. I used them between songs at a gig once to fill in some dead space. They’ll stay there until I run out of room then they get deleted.

My presets are quickly growing; very few of them I’ll use different guitars with and prefer having them dialed in for a particular guitar. My FM9 isn’t there yet, but my III is filling up with ‘Edwards IIC++”, “Orville Marshall”, “Gilmour Strat Marshall”, etc.

It’s kinda fun seeing which guitars work with other guitar’s presets. Sometimes they sound great and sometimes they remind me of why I use new presets for each guitar!
The only stock presets I ever keep are the weird synth ones that I’d never be able to program myself and I just keep those there for when friends come over and I say “Oh, check this out!”. I used them between songs at a gig once to fill in some dead space. They’ll stay there until I run out of room then they get deleted.

My presets are quickly growing; very few of them I’ll use different guitars with and prefer having them dialed in for a particular guitar. My FM9 isn’t there yet, but my III is filling up with ‘Edwards IIC++”, “Orville Marshall”, “Gilmour Strat Marshall”, etc.

It’s kinda fun seeing which guitars work with other guitar’s presets. Sometimes they sound great and sometimes they remind me of why I use new presets for each guitar!

Yes, I have LP and Strat-specific presets, for sure. Strat ones have a 3 dB boost on the input and different modulation options (uni-vibe and trem, vs phase 90 for LP).
I'm sat here at my desk using my FM9 as an interface to play lossless digital files today whilst I work (taxes!) and the quality is absolutely astounding through my Neumann monitors. This was also true of the FM3, when I had it.

I have never heard digital sound this good. The depth and quality of the sound has me spooked at times because I feel that some of the percussive effects are going off in the room.

Jaw on floor. Lost for words, actually.

I can't go back to that old Scarlett of mine 😭
New Beeeeta up!

Damn….everything from the III has been added! (And maybe some extras? I need to pay more attention to the update contents)

FM9 Firmware Version 4.01 public beta 2 is now available for download:

An updated version of FM9-Edit is required for use with this release:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting with firmware 3.00, FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is required to communicate with the FM9. Previous versions of FM9-Edit (versions 1.00.06 or less) are not compatible with firmware 3.00 or greater. FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is not compatible with previous firmware versions 1.0 through 2.02.

Version 4.01 - Feb. 23, 2023​

New Features​

  • Added new Amp type: “59 Bassguy Reissue Jumped”.
  • Added new Drive types: “Bosom Boost”, “Boss OD-One” Overdrive.
  • Added “Paragon” type to Wah block based on the Tycobrahe Parapedal wah.
  • Added “Oxbow Loadbox” and “Double Notes Loadbox” speaker impedance curves based on a Universal Audio Ox and Two Notes Torpedo, respectively. (Note that these are amp block impedance curve options and not new IRs in the Cab block.)
  • Added “JP IIC+ Shred” Input Boost type to Amp block. This replicates the “Shred” switch on the Mesa/Boogie JP2C.
  • Added Amp block new parameter “Input Dynamics” (as found on Axe-Fx III). When set below zero, the amp input is compressed, resulting in a smoother, less dynamic sound. When set greater than zero, the amp input is expanded, resulting in a punchier, crunchier and more dynamic sound. Note that extreme values can have undesirable side effects such as pumping or clipping.
  • Added new “Startup Preset” option under SETUP: Global Settings. This determines which preset is loaded at startup.
  • Changed bypass/engage speed for the following blocks: Filter, Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, Tremolo and Wah. These blocks now bypass/engage with a gentle fade as rapid bypass/engage with these types of blocks can sound abrupt.
  • New large fonts display mode for the main Presets/Scenes view (Home page of the Home menu). Turn Knob B (“Zoom”) to switch between small fonts and large fonts. In Large mode:
    • Turn the Value knob and then press ENTER to change the preset. (Presets are shown in “preview” as dim text until you press Enter.) When previewing presets, NAV left/right = -1/+1 preset and NAV down/up = -10/+10 presets.
    • Once any preset is loaded,use NAV keys to change scenes.
  • Improved Compressor block:
    • Improved “Studio FF Compressor 1” type. New algorithm yields smoother release and “fatter” compression. This type is suitable for a wide range of uses now including bus and mastering. Type has been renamed “Studio FF Compressor”.
    • Improved “Optical Compressor” types. New algorithm features improved ballistics and an inherent soft knee for vintage optical compression sounds.
    • Improved “Dynamics Processor” type. New algorithm also supports various detector types.
    • Improved “JFET Compressor” type.
    • Added “Optical Sustainer” type based on optocoupler-based pedal compressors.
    • Added “Analog Sustainer” type. This is an upwards compressor using the same “analog” gain computer as the Analog Compressor type yielding a natural soft-knee response.
    • Added “JFET Sustainer” type. This is based on a rare JFET-based pedal compressor where the JFET is in the op-amp’s feedback network.
    • The range of “Release Time” now goes from 2ms to 2s.
    • Added a graph for “Analog Compressor” and “Sustainer” types.
    • New “Auto-Makeup Gain” algorithm for most types provides better output level tracking vs. Threshold and Ratio.
      Note: As a result, the output level of the compressor block may be slightly different compared to previous versions. Auditioning presets that use the Compressor block is recommended.
    • Selectable Auto-Makeup Gain has been added to Optical, Tube and Analog Compressor types.
    • Studio “FF Compressor 2” has been renamed “Studio FF Sustainer”.
    • Compressor types have been alphabetized.
  • Improved Gate block:
    • Improved “Downward Expander” type. The “Hold Time” parameter has been removed as it is not compatible and no longer needed with the new algorithm. This type has been renamed “Classic Expander” as it is based on classic analog downward expanders.
    • Added “Modern Expander” type. This type uses a novel approach to the envelope detector resulting in improved ballistics compared to traditional analog expanders. A new “Knee Type” parameter allows selecting between hard-knee expansion and varying degrees of soft-knee expansion.
  • Improved Noise Gate in Input block:
    • Improved performance based on a new algorithm developed for the Gate block.
    • A “Mode” page has been added to the gate with “Easy” and “Advanced” options. In “Easy” mode the number of parameters is reduced, simplifying the adjustment procedure for those who are unfamiliar with the finer details of gates/expanders for guitar noise reduction applications.
  • Updated PVH 6160 Block and PVH 6160+ models. New models have more accurate Gain knob response.
  • Reduced default Power Tube Grid Bias for PVH 6160 and Recto models as previous default was hotter than these amps are typically run due to the non-adjustable bias.
  • Input and Output volume pedals (MIDI/Remote menu) filtering is reduced. This causes the level to react quicker, similar to Axe FX III.
  • Updated “Speaker Thump” to latest from Axe-Fx III.
  • Improved tuner:
    • Changed filter to tracking bandpass, rejects harmonics and noise.
    • Changed strobe tuner so that indicator rotation frequency is constant vs. error as a fraction of desired frequency
    • Changed Tuner Mute behavior so that Mute: INPUT only mutes the selected Input source.


  • Corrected a bug when using a modifier on the Klon Gain value or other mathematically complex parameter.
  • Turning soft knob 3 on the layout GUI, 'Block Level', will no longer make an empty banner message appear on the LCD when a valid effect block is not highlighted.
  • Corrected a bug causing a crash when assigning control to scene inc/dec in the ‘MIDI/Remote’ menu ‘Other tab’.
  • Fixed Transformer and Vintage preamp types in Cabinet block not ported correctly during a previous firmware update. This manifested as the distortion not being frequency dependent.
  • Fix for IR(s) not loading on channel change if one or more slots has SOLO engaged.
  • FC: Song/Setlist, using "default" for scene loads the correct scene.
  • FC: Effect: Channel functions will now work correctly when Effect is set to Controllers.
  • FC: Changed how the lower right footswitch works when the Master Layout Menu (“MLM”) Switch Combo is enabled. Because this switch has an extra “hidden” hold function that helps show the MLM, its tap function would be skipped if you accidentally held the switch for too long. Now, the tap function will fire in these cases as long as there isn’t also a separate Hold function assigned.

New display mode-
Shouldn't this be posted in the FAS releases thread? (The new beta looks excellent, BT - looking forward to the comp enhancements)

I started to, but wasn’t sure if we were putting betas in there or not, as it’s technically a firmware thread. Don’t really matter to me though!
New Beeeeta up!

Damn….everything from the III has been added! (And maybe some extras? I need to pay more attention to the update contents)

FM9 Firmware Version 4.01 public beta 2 is now available for download:

An updated version of FM9-Edit is required for use with this release:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting with firmware 3.00, FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is required to communicate with the FM9. Previous versions of FM9-Edit (versions 1.00.06 or less) are not compatible with firmware 3.00 or greater. FM9-Edit 1.01.00 (or greater) is not compatible with previous firmware versions 1.0 through 2.02.

Version 4.01 - Feb. 23, 2023​

New Features​

  • Added new Amp type: “59 Bassguy Reissue Jumped”.
  • Added new Drive types: “Bosom Boost”, “Boss OD-One” Overdrive.
  • Added “Paragon” type to Wah block based on the Tycobrahe Parapedal wah.
  • Added “Oxbow Loadbox” and “Double Notes Loadbox” speaker impedance curves based on a Universal Audio Ox and Two Notes Torpedo, respectively. (Note that these are amp block impedance curve options and not new IRs in the Cab block.)
  • Added “JP IIC+ Shred” Input Boost type to Amp block. This replicates the “Shred” switch on the Mesa/Boogie JP2C.
  • Added Amp block new parameter “Input Dynamics” (as found on Axe-Fx III). When set below zero, the amp input is compressed, resulting in a smoother, less dynamic sound. When set greater than zero, the amp input is expanded, resulting in a punchier, crunchier and more dynamic sound. Note that extreme values can have undesirable side effects such as pumping or clipping.
  • Added new “Startup Preset” option under SETUP: Global Settings. This determines which preset is loaded at startup.
  • Changed bypass/engage speed for the following blocks: Filter, Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, Tremolo and Wah. These blocks now bypass/engage with a gentle fade as rapid bypass/engage with these types of blocks can sound abrupt.
  • New large fonts display mode for the main Presets/Scenes view (Home page of the Home menu). Turn Knob B (“Zoom”) to switch between small fonts and large fonts. In Large mode:
    • Turn the Value knob and then press ENTER to change the preset. (Presets are shown in “preview” as dim text until you press Enter.) When previewing presets, NAV left/right = -1/+1 preset and NAV down/up = -10/+10 presets.
    • Once any preset is loaded,use NAV keys to change scenes.
  • Improved Compressor block:
    • Improved “Studio FF Compressor 1” type. New algorithm yields smoother release and “fatter” compression. This type is suitable for a wide range of uses now including bus and mastering. Type has been renamed “Studio FF Compressor”.
    • Improved “Optical Compressor” types. New algorithm features improved ballistics and an inherent soft knee for vintage optical compression sounds.
    • Improved “Dynamics Processor” type. New algorithm also supports various detector types.
    • Improved “JFET Compressor” type.
    • Added “Optical Sustainer” type based on optocoupler-based pedal compressors.
    • Added “Analog Sustainer” type. This is an upwards compressor using the same “analog” gain computer as the Analog Compressor type yielding a natural soft-knee response.
    • Added “JFET Sustainer” type. This is based on a rare JFET-based pedal compressor where the JFET is in the op-amp’s feedback network.
    • The range of “Release Time” now goes from 2ms to 2s.
    • Added a graph for “Analog Compressor” and “Sustainer” types.
    • New “Auto-Makeup Gain” algorithm for most types provides better output level tracking vs. Threshold and Ratio.
      Note: As a result, the output level of the compressor block may be slightly different compared to previous versions. Auditioning presets that use the Compressor block is recommended.
    • Selectable Auto-Makeup Gain has been added to Optical, Tube and Analog Compressor types.
    • Studio “FF Compressor 2” has been renamed “Studio FF Sustainer”.
    • Compressor types have been alphabetized.
  • Improved Gate block:
    • Improved “Downward Expander” type. The “Hold Time” parameter has been removed as it is not compatible and no longer needed with the new algorithm. This type has been renamed “Classic Expander” as it is based on classic analog downward expanders.
    • Added “Modern Expander” type. This type uses a novel approach to the envelope detector resulting in improved ballistics compared to traditional analog expanders. A new “Knee Type” parameter allows selecting between hard-knee expansion and varying degrees of soft-knee expansion.
  • Improved Noise Gate in Input block:
    • Improved performance based on a new algorithm developed for the Gate block.
    • A “Mode” page has been added to the gate with “Easy” and “Advanced” options. In “Easy” mode the number of parameters is reduced, simplifying the adjustment procedure for those who are unfamiliar with the finer details of gates/expanders for guitar noise reduction applications.
  • Updated PVH 6160 Block and PVH 6160+ models. New models have more accurate Gain knob response.
  • Reduced default Power Tube Grid Bias for PVH 6160 and Recto models as previous default was hotter than these amps are typically run due to the non-adjustable bias.
  • Input and Output volume pedals (MIDI/Remote menu) filtering is reduced. This causes the level to react quicker, similar to Axe FX III.
  • Updated “Speaker Thump” to latest from Axe-Fx III.
  • Improved tuner:
    • Changed filter to tracking bandpass, rejects harmonics and noise.
    • Changed strobe tuner so that indicator rotation frequency is constant vs. error as a fraction of desired frequency
    • Changed Tuner Mute behavior so that Mute: INPUT only mutes the selected Input source.


  • Corrected a bug when using a modifier on the Klon Gain value or other mathematically complex parameter.
  • Turning soft knob 3 on the layout GUI, 'Block Level', will no longer make an empty banner message appear on the LCD when a valid effect block is not highlighted.
  • Corrected a bug causing a crash when assigning control to scene inc/dec in the ‘MIDI/Remote’ menu ‘Other tab’.
  • Fixed Transformer and Vintage preamp types in Cabinet block not ported correctly during a previous firmware update. This manifested as the distortion not being frequency dependent.
  • Fix for IR(s) not loading on channel change if one or more slots has SOLO engaged.
  • FC: Song/Setlist, using "default" for scene loads the correct scene.
  • FC: Effect: Channel functions will now work correctly when Effect is set to Controllers.
  • FC: Changed how the lower right footswitch works when the Master Layout Menu (“MLM”) Switch Combo is enabled. Because this switch has an extra “hidden” hold function that helps show the MLM, its tap function would be skipped if you accidentally held the switch for too long. Now, the tap function will fire in these cases as long as there isn’t also a separate Hold function assigned.

New display mode-
View attachment 4504
Wow crazy amounts of stuff again
The Zoom display was not expecting that
Yeah the zoom display thing is something the FM3/9 really needed. I found the main screen hard to read when on the floor.

I hope they add it to Axe-Fx 3 as well as it could be useful on stage.