FM9 : blank/dead switches in View 2

I was able to get them working, although not in a Per Preset way.

I went into Setup > FC Controllers/Onboard Switches and the EZ tab and was able to assign/activate them there. Just means they're the same across all presets, but that works for what I'm doing.
On that topic: I'm really digging the Hold and Toggle functions, coming from L6-land.

When I set the FM9T to have my Keeley Fuzz Head with a Tap and a the Fractal Octavia fuzz added on/off with a Hold on the same switch, I smiled with glee.
Why would they add a second view but only make three switches in that view assignable? Am I missing something here? That seems like a waste of the other 5 switches (if 1 is reserved to get back to view 1)
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