I’m just wondering why you took such great offense. It’s not that big of a deal that some people don’t find a capo necessary.
I'm not taking offense at all (sorry in case it came across like that), but as one of the topics (or a very related one) was "are you a bad guitar player when you use capos?", I found it quite adventurous to come up with whatever statements saying things along the lines of "there's always ways around a capo" - when there clearly are situations when that is completely untrue. I posted some examples that could never be played without a capo and I added some reallife experience of situations when there's absolutely no way to get around without using one.
And all the time Mr.
@maguchi (whom I defenitely have no axe to grind with at all, in fact, I pretty much respect him) came around with "solutions" that simply are no solutions for either situation. Add to this that I even said I usually don't like using capos myself most of the time, either (heck, I am possibly the most standard tuning guy there is, I hardly ever use any drop tunings and all my guitars are tuned in standard E).
Yet, I can very clearly see how you can be forced into using a capo, especially in case there's paid gigs requiring you to play things how they are written or how the originals sound. Heck, not even the infamous "Wonderwall" can too easily be played without a capo (yeah, I know, I know, it's possible, but it's just sooo much easier to simply slap a capo into the 2nd fret).
And it's not getting any better once there's an actual MD in, say, a musical theatre environment.
"Hey, Mr. Axeman, that's not what's written in the score!"
"Yeah, I know, but I just don't feel like using a capo, so I came up with these alternatives which IMO work just as great!"
Said noone ever. Well, maybe someone did, but rest assured it likely was his last day on that particular gig. You either play what's in the score or have damn good reasons not to (such as things being literally unplayable, which happens quite sometimes when the guitar voice was written by non-guitar-players).
So, as said, no idea whether I came across arrogant, offended, wound up or anything, but all I tried was setting some things straight, based on my very own experiences.