Favorite songs to play

The Devil went done to Georgia the fills and fiddle melodies are pretty fun
The sound of Madness Shinedown
Man in the box AIC

And actually the STP stuff
Sex Type Thing
Interstate love song
STP has some intresting chords and changes
Sex type thing is not for beginners , people talk about 80s players having to do all these wide stretches
The main riff in that song is about my limit that stretch is wide man and the sliding back and forth
It took me a bit
It's a challenge for sure but thats what i like, i found out when i learnt Plush how amazing Dean is with his chord choices and phrasings |

It's a challenge for sure but thats what i like, i found out when i learnt Plush how amazing Dean is with his chord choices and phrasings |


Lemme know when you start workin’ on it, I learned it for the cover band a couple weeks ago, we can do a little collab and I’ll put the vocals on it if you were going to record it.
Ok, whew, found a song that's fun - at least for the moment. Anthrax' Cry for the Indians :clint, lmao. Not been trying for long and I'm prob 95% speed for the main rhythm. Never really agreed with Anthrax being part of the big 4 of Thrash, but this is one of their songs I always wanted to play but I lacked the skeelz, until now.

I feel like I'm playing it from Headbanger's Ball intro, although two of my absolute favorite current co-workers moved here from India 20+ years ago, and I could play it for them, due to the fact they have to put up with me. :grin
Ok, whew, found a song that's fun - at least for the moment. Anthrax' Cry for the Indians :clint, lmao. Not been trying for long and I'm prob 95% speed for the main rhythm. Never really agreed with Anthrax being part of the big 4 of Thrash, but this is one of their songs I always wanted to play but I lacked the skeelz, until now.

I feel like I'm playing it from Headbanger's Ball intro, although two of my absolute favorite current co-workers moved here from India 20+ years ago, and I could play it for them, due to the fact they have to put up with me. :grin
Awesome Dave and yeah its such an awesome song Love that whole album
Ask your co-workers if they know this >

It was a new friend in the Navy (after basic training) who introduced me to Anthrax. :headbang

I still think I may be the only enlisted dude ever who snuck a legit 4 x 12 into his barracks
and let that fucker rip on the daily. Have to find some pics. :unsure:
Oh unholy shit! I've been a dumbass, newsflash, I know, I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...

I have found the holiest of unholiest riffage of ultimate delightedness! Sort of somehow forgot all about At The Gates! I guess that, at least internally, I figured I wasn't ready for any of their stuff - but seems that maybe I am ready. :unsure:

Even been using an Axechange preset named "At The Gates" rather often, maybe that's what finally clicked in the brain?

Either way, with just a few days of working on the 1st two songs on 1995's "Slaughter of the Soul" - I'm playing them surprisingly well. I got a great lifetime deal on UG's tab subscriptions (way back in the previous time I tried to learn guitar, ten-ish years ago), so I still use it - and am up in the 85% range as far as full tempo.

I put 10-52 on my Sabre and tuned it to B Standard, which works pretty well, perhaps a bit flubby. But also found the FM9 VC works fantastically for a standard E 6-string, and maybe it's the best way? Also can play on my new 7 with default B Standard. The only issue with the FM9 VC or 7-string is the 3rd string is half a step off.

Definitely need some well honed inside picking to even remotely approach full speed, but what a blast I'm having!! :banana:headbang:pickle
Late to the party, but good thread! My take on the original question probably will not help as I am "steeped in old timey" (here defined as classic rock). Don't know if it helps you @Warmart or anyone else, but here is a list of my current attitude/routine/goals (aka "the lazy fuck approach").

I spend about half of my time on original music and half learning covers. I never had any interest in playing covers, until I started playing covers. Now, I hear a song on the radio, and I make a note on my phone to look it up to see if I can play it without any headaches.

On cover material, IDGAF about "nailing" it when it comes to sounding like the original. I don't see that as my goal, to sound like someone else. I want to take that song and play it my way and have fun doing so.

I am choosing the easiest songs in the world to play. If it gets too complicated or I am not feeling it, I move on to the next simple song. There are so many out there, I am unlikely to run out in my limited lifespan ;~)) Here is a link to a list of the 700+ songs I am interested in learning (the list keeps growing - first section of this doc is list of bands followed by list of songs). I have about 100 of them down, another 100 or so that I am comfortable with but still need the scrolling lyric sheet, a 100 or so that I have struggled with and the other 400+ I have yet to try to wrap my head around (much less my fingers) but intend to do so over time.

If a part is too difficult, I try to build an easy substitute for that part rather than bust my skull over doing it their way. I have no shame in doing so and will continue to simply have fun ;~))

On several cover songs, I have made "adjustments" to the lyrics themselves to make them more complete IMO. One example is "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain. Only two verses in the original and so I decided a third verse was in order, so I created it and I think it fits well with the original two verses (posted my third verse at the bottom here if interested). This gives me a very personal connection to the song and makes it even more fun to play for me!

HAVE FUN! That is all I am in it for ultimately!! If I am not having fun and it seems too much like work or study, I usually jump ship pretty quick!!!

I know my use case is not like many others in part because I am trying to play everything rather than simply nail the guitar part. Guitar, vocals and percussion are all by me simultaneously when I am playing, and filling all those spaces gives me a lot of pleasure (yes, playing with myself)! Never the less, the fun part is to me what is most important and I am having nothing but that every time I set up for a jam. On the maybe 2 or 3 occasions in the past 3 years when I was not having fun, I packed it up for that day ;~))

Best wishes on getting out of your rut if you have not already Warmart! I know a lot of factors can interfere with life's enjoyments, but keep music your happy place and go there every time you have a chance ;~))

Added verse to "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain:
[Verse 3 - written by Moondog Wily]
Mississippi Queen, if you know what I mean
Mississippi Queen, taught me a couple things
My momma done told me, to keep a steady head
For those crazy ladies, that could turn me to dead
To keep my mind focussed, when the girl is so fine
While the rest of them dudes where shakin their fists
Boy I beg your pardon I was throwin mine
You know she was a dancer, moved better on wine
While the rest of those dudes where gettin their kicks
Boy I beg your pardon I was gettin mine
Man, there are some sections I hear that sound almost precisely like Dream Theater sections
of songs 30 to 40 years later.

Especially the hyper speed unison stuff that Al does with Chick Corea or Barry Miles. So epic! :love
Maybe it's just me, and sometimes being my own worse enemy? :idk Maybe it's a mild rut, or being almost 57, or just poor choices - but I am struggling really badly with finding fun songs to learn. Most of you know I'm just a hack, this time around I'm approaching five years of continuous learning and I'm constantly getting "better", in my way at least. The other 2 or 3 attempts were squelched out by a combination of life tugging from multiple directions and a stupid belief that I just didn't "have it". Over that, at least. :grin

I guess it can be a curse to not be in a band that's forced to learn Seether or similar songs :banana:unsure:, but here's the latest example: I have wanted to play Fairies Wear Boots for a few years, but that sliding/finger-plucking rhythm part in the intro was a huge barrier. I now get past that (although I'm convinced you need 8's to really get it to sound great), and past all the rhythm up to the first real solo AND I conquer that solo - and it was all a blast. From that point, the song is just misery to play, repetitive as hell and the next solo is just total 'meh', I can't stand it. Can't tell you how many times I run into similar things.

No psychoanalyzing is needed, I have pushed through enough parts of songs, and maybe I'll do the same with Fairies.

What I'm really interested in knowing are some of y'all's favorite go-to songs, that are fun and generally remain fun. I've mostly played 80's metal (bored to death playing Metallica - I "almost" can see why they switched their formula with the Black Album - almost :hmm). Also learned a few Mastodon songs off of Leviathan but the rest fell into boredom mode. Tried some early 80's Def Leppard, Dokken, etc - boring. The last thing I learned that I just love to pieces would be Dio's Holy Diver solo, it's pure joy to play.

I did search and didn't see a similar thread - but will delete this if one exists.

You need to do Rush tunes. Hell, everyone needs to do Rush tunes and learn Alex's quirky style. A blast to play.

Finding My Way
Working Man
Fly By Night
Temple Of Syrinx
The Spirit Of Radio
Entre Nous
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta



Late to the party, but good thread! My take on the original question probably will not help as I am "steeped in old timey" (here defined as classic rock). Don't know if it helps you @Warmart or anyone else, but here is a list of my current attitude/routine/goals (aka "the lazy fuck approach").

I spend about half of my time on original music and half learning covers. I never had any interest in playing covers, until I started playing covers. Now, I hear a song on the radio, and I make a note on my phone to look it up to see if I can play it without any headaches.

On cover material, IDGAF about "nailing" it when it comes to sounding like the original. I don't see that as my goal, to sound like someone else. I want to take that song and play it my way and have fun doing so.

I am choosing the easiest songs in the world to play. If it gets too complicated or I am not feeling it, I move on to the next simple song. There are so many out there, I am unlikely to run out in my limited lifespan ;~)) Here is a link to a list of the 700+ songs I am interested in learning (the list keeps growing - first section of this doc is list of bands followed by list of songs). I have about 100 of them down, another 100 or so that I am comfortable with but still need the scrolling lyric sheet, a 100 or so that I have struggled with and the other 400+ I have yet to try to wrap my head around (much less my fingers) but intend to do so over time.

If a part is too difficult, I try to build an easy substitute for that part rather than bust my skull over doing it their way. I have no shame in doing so and will continue to simply have fun ;~))

On several cover songs, I have made "adjustments" to the lyrics themselves to make them more complete IMO. One example is "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain. Only two verses in the original and so I decided a third verse was in order, so I created it and I think it fits well with the original two verses (posted my third verse at the bottom here if interested). This gives me a very personal connection to the song and makes it even more fun to play for me!

HAVE FUN! That is all I am in it for ultimately!! If I am not having fun and it seems too much like work or study, I usually jump ship pretty quick!!!

I know my use case is not like many others in part because I am trying to play everything rather than simply nail the guitar part. Guitar, vocals and percussion are all by me simultaneously when I am playing, and filling all those spaces gives me a lot of pleasure (yes, playing with myself)! Never the less, the fun part is to me what is most important and I am having nothing but that every time I set up for a jam. On the maybe 2 or 3 occasions in the past 3 years when I was not having fun, I packed it up for that day ;~))

Best wishes on getting out of your rut if you have not already Warmart! I know a lot of factors can interfere with life's enjoyments, but keep music your happy place and go there every time you have a chance ;~))

Added verse to "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain:
[Verse 3 - written by Moondog Wily]
Mississippi Queen, if you know what I mean
Mississippi Queen, taught me a couple things
My momma done told me, to keep a steady head
For those crazy ladies, that could turn me to dead
To keep my mind focussed, when the girl is so fine
While the rest of them dudes where shakin their fists
Boy I beg your pardon I was throwin mine
You know she was a dancer, moved better on wine
While the rest of those dudes where gettin their kicks
Boy I beg your pardon I was gettin mine
Wow sir, that was a very appreciated post! Thank you very much!

I'm pretty much bordering "old", going to be 57 next month, so classic rock stuff is good, too!

Very comprehensive list of songs to learn, wow! The only problem was I clicked Moondog Wily in your list and it put me in a recursive loop :pickle.

I'm also of the mind to not to try too hard to sound like the original player, I'm fine with sounding like me and also simplifying parts if I have to!

Thanks for the list, definitely will be using it when I get sick of At the Gates (their playing reminds me of Metallica on Blackened, but a couple levels more complex).

Would've replied sooner but was off today getting ready for a trip and some time off of work!
Wow sir, that was a very appreciated post! Thank you very much!

I'm pretty much bordering "old", going to be 57 next month, so classic rock stuff is good, too!

Very comprehensive list of songs to learn, wow! The only problem was I clicked Moondog Wily in your list and it put me in a recursive loop :pickle.

I'm also of the mind to not to try too hard to sound like the original player, I'm fine with sounding like me and also simplifying parts if I have to!

Thanks for the list, definitely will be using it when I get sick of At the Gates (their playing reminds me of Metallica on Blackened, but a couple levels more complex).

Would've replied sooner but was off today getting ready for a trip and some time off of work!
Hope you can find something to work on there ;~)) Glad you like!

Awesome that you have some time off, hope you get some good weather and make the best of it!!