FAQ: Yes; Clowns and Turds are good.

It's nice that @The Colonel is helping us share files...


@The Colonel I don't know if you have this sort of permissions granularity available, but: Maybe consider giving zip file upload permissions to users with a message count above a certain number? Just to slightly reduce the chance of bot accounts registering and then immediately uploading malware to TGF?

For example, the FAS forum does this for http link-posting - you can't post a link until you've posted 10 messages.
Yeah, that’s a great practice. I ran a fitness forum years ago and had to do the same… no links, no Uploads, no attachments until a certain post count. Some of those bots or hackers are aggressive, so even 10 was too low. (I didn’t have a global team of moderators, so while we slept in the U.S. bots or hackers would post a bunch of random stuff to get to 10, then go back and edit each post to contain links. Ugh). So I ended up setting it to 25 posts as minimum. That did the trick.
Whoa! Shrug reaction addition.

Thats Nice Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

How about that as a next level to attain, when so many of us are Rock Stars these days? 🤔
I think there is a higher level (or 2), it just will take us a while to reach it. Must be way up there if @JiveTurkey hasn’t even reached it yet.

Ah yes, good point. I'd always assumed that JT would have hit it by now, but I suppose the ceiling could be way higher than I'd previously imagined.
Ah yes, good point. I'd always assumed that JT would have hit it by now, but I suppose the ceiling could be way higher than I'd previously imagined.
Now they COULD introduce more levels, with more intermediate steps so we see a bit more progress through the ranks. When I had a fitness forum, we had fun with it and had like 12 levels, and each level got you a different weight badge under your name. 😁
Now they COULD introduce more levels, with more intermediate steps so we see a bit more progress through the ranks. When I had a fitness forum, we had fun with it and had like 12 levels, and each level got you a different weight badge under your name. 😁

I'm all up for that!