ESP/LTD 2024 models

The white singlecut LP jr. style


And these are just the LTDs. Haven’t even done the E-IIs and up.

There’s a candy apple red 87 Series Horizon I needwant.
I'm still iffy on their 3x3 headstock shape, but the body styles and appointments are pretty cool.
A lot of these feel like the return to the days of S. Korean guitar manufacturing when everything came in either black, white, primary red or blue.
I want to like their stuff; but to me
* a Firebird has 2 tone, 2 volume...
* an SG has 2 tone, 2 volume....
* an LP has 2 tone, 2 volume....
* (and an ES has 2 tone, 2 volume)

In other words, the controls are a big part of what makes those models work... (It's also why my beloved Variax single-cut feels like half of what it should've been...)
Depends on the Firebird. I liken the above more to a Firebird I without a tone control. Which I’m fine with. I had a Firebird V years ago and it was amazing, don’t get me wrong. But I see the ESP/LTD Phoenix more akin to the Jackson style Firebirds of the 80s. More so just the shape but stripped down rock and metal machines.