EQD Ledges Tri Dimensional Reverb

Sound pretty good to me. Simple mono pedal with a simple set of features (by todays madness standard) that allows it to be a little more than just a "set and forget" type of thing.

Cudos to EQD in my opinion, simplicity is underrated today and this pedal probably sounds excellent in the type of way that a mono reverb into an amp should sound.... do any of you even remember how good that sounds :knit its a forgotten thing in todays -super advanced dsp menu diving thousands of options pedals- gear world.

Agree with someone earlier here, Afterneath is a special type of thing with its strong emphasis of "micro delays" building up the reverb effect. Its glitchy and quirky and metallic... kinda like putting your tongue on a 9v battery...but it can be tamed and you can keep that battery in your mouth for little longer.
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