Do Something Challenge News

DAW & Edit opened…


So It Begins Helms Deep GIF
Wish I could say that. :LOL:
I'm at work and my studio room is temporarily broken down since I'm rearranging everything. A lot of my weekend will be spent on that but it's long overdue.

Doing anything fancy or just getting things reorganized?

Crack open a brew, crank some tunes… sometimes music room cleanup can be fun. Beats dealing with the wife!

Speak Up GIF by Booksmart
Love these Challenges, and hearing what everyone is up to. Always full of sonic treats and surprises! :cheers

Thanks for manning the fort while you did @Iron1 . I hope you offer up a lengthy, chuckle-full expose' from
time to time. :banana

How cool of you to assume the mantle going for Moondog! An impossible task for impossible men! :beer
Love these Challenges, and hearing what everyone is up to. Always full of sonic treats and surprises! :beer

Thanks for manning the fort while you did @Iron1 . I hope you offer up a lengthy, chuckle-full expose' from
time to time. :banana

How cool of you to assume the mantle going for Moondog! An impossible task for impossible men! :beer
Don't expect what Iron1 was giving us! I'm just not that funny (although the mirror often disagrees)!! I will do my best though (which sets the bar very low)!!!
Mostly organizing, and I'm trying to get little creation sub stations setup and ready to go so I'm not killing time when inspiration hits. Basically everything I have (within reason) piped in.
I know the feeling! When I want to play keyboard, I have to first uncover it, then probably dust it off, then figure out again which buttons I classically use on it to get where I wanna go!! Hope you get it set up to be able to sit down and play on a moments notice, that would be a dream for me (yet I am too lazy to take on such an endeavor to organize as such nor do I have the proper space) ;~))