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I'm hoping that creativity and song writing is like a muscle...you get better the more you work at it. Hopefully.
I certainly believe that’s the case. After a while you become more sure of your choices the first time around and things start moving faster. With each song that goes by, there are things you’ll hear after you’d like to do differently and I take those things and put them into the next song in one way or another, so it’s a continuous refinement.
I think the biggest ‘trick’ to it is getting inspiration to start writing something and recording just enough of it that you can retain the inspiration via what you have recorded. The next day you might not be as keen to jump in the studio, but if you’ve tracked enough to catch the inspiration for what you did record, it usually floods right back pretty quick. Other times I’ll open a started session and think “Why in the f*ck did I even waste time recording this? This is f*cking stupid”
The other side to that is the more familiar you get with a DAW, the more time you end up saving by not having to look up “How to do a crossfade in ______” I’ve got templates in Logic that are already set up with all the tracks and plug-ins I’ll need, already have something on the master buss for compression, it makes things pretty smooth.