Digital Igloo (Eric Klein, YGG)

Where is best place that you have been for a vacation ?
And when is the best time at Line6 to take a couple weeks off , when your not crazy busy , is there a slow season
When can I expect HX Control to be in stock at Sweetwater? (Yes, I'm asking you to do my lazy sales engineer's job).
I think it's just a parts supply thing. Going into the office today; will ask.
That's why I have 4 Digitech Vocalist Live FX. Well those reasons and the fact they stopped making them. I have owned all of TC multi pedals all the way up to the VL3 Extreme and the Digitech (once you know it well) blows them all away for sheer vocal work. TC has better pitch correction but I have only ever used that when I had back to back gigs where I sing a lot or am sick.
I'm fairly sure our team in Victoria did quite a bit of work on the DigiTech vocal processing DSP back in the day.
Where is best place that you have been for a vacation ?
Ooo, that's a tough one. My wife's a flight attendant so we travel a lot. Schlep my work laptop everywhere.

Favorite city: Seoul, Korea
Best experience: Backpacking through Cambodia
Most relaxing spot: Couch on the back lanai at my in-laws' bungalow, Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii (where I'll be [X] weeks from now)
And when is the best time at Line6 to take a couple weeks off, when your not crazy busy, is there a slow season
Probably the dead of summer when most Line 6ers take off. Been really hot in SoCal the past few years; it was our excuse to go visit the team in Victoria, BC.

Typically our busiest time is January leading up to NAMM and a few months after. But now that NAMM is sort of in limbo, busy times may be a bit more random.
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Does it get frustrating knowing the parent company might be diverting resources needed for product development because they want to sell lawnmower engines or something else? Or if not, does it feel that way sometimes?

Hope you make NAMM in April!
That's why I have 4 Digitech Vocalist Live FX. Well those reasons and the fact they stopped making them. I have owned all of TC multi pedals all the way up to the VL3 Extreme and the Digitech (once you know it well) blows them all away for sheer vocal work. TC has better pitch correction but I have only ever used that when I had back to back gigs where I sing a lot or am sick.
Have a VL3X and a vl play. I think they’re both superb pedals. They definitely get the job done.
Does it get frustrating knowing the parent company might be diverting resources needed for product development because they want to sell lawnmower engines or something else? Or if not, does it feel that way sometimes?
Not at all. The executive staff does a pretty good job siloing the rest of us from Hamamatsu, so day to day, YCJ feels less like a parent and more like a distant rich uncle who, as long as you get good grades, might send you a really cool gift. The Victoria team is a bit different because they're shared between the YGG and YCJ sides of Yamaha Guitar Division. Yes, it'd be nice if they could devote 100% of their time to the Line 6 brand, but we have a meeting every Tuesday and I'm just glad they're in our corner. And they're much happier here than they were at Harman/DigiTech.

I've only been to Hamamatsu once—HX Stomp was nominated for a Yamaha Design Award and they wanted someone to present at the ceremony. Stomp lost to the über-expensive machine that places ICs into iPhones, which... well, I probably would've voted for that too. Learned a lot that trip.
Hope you make NAMM in April!
This past NAMM in June was my 23rd Winter (?) NAMM and while it normally takes two whole days to absorb everything, this time I saw everything and everyone I needed to see in maybe 2-3 hours. It was a ghost town; not sure how long it'll be around. :cry:
You mentioned (I think) that they had you doing ui design for other stuff. If that was outside guitar modeler stuff, what was it?
It won't be out until next year so I can't say anything about it. Not related to guitar modeling stuff, and honestly, it's not the type of product that gets a lot of visibility in gear forums like TGF or TGP. Super excited to get mine, tho'—I was only the UI designer, not the PM, so I'll probably have to pay for it. (Oh, the horror!)
Thanks for doing these AMA’s. Is there any crossover between any of the helix work and the Yamaha THR stuff? I’ve had a THR for years and love it as a little home amp to work parts out with and mess around. I thought about trying it into my DAW but couldn’t figure out how to turn the cab simulation off so I gave up. I didn’t try very hard lol

I’ve avoided the helix stuff because I struggle working through menus. I like to be able to quickly get a tone and the depth of adjustments available just isn’t my thing, but the tones I hear from friends are fantastic.
Thanks for doing these AMA’s. Is there any crossover between any of the helix work and the Yamaha THR stuff? I’ve had a THR for years and love it as a little home amp to work parts out with and mess around. I thought about trying it into my DAW but couldn’t figure out how to turn the cab simulation off so I gave up. I didn’t try very hard lol
The first THR line probably started before Line 6 was acquired by Yamaha.

Don't quote me because I'm not sure, but for THR-II, we did the industrial design, mobile app development/graphic design, and wireless tech, but Product Design, UI/UX, electrical design/layout, acoustic design, and the DSP/modeling/effects engine was all YCJ. It's definitely a Yamaha product, not a Line 6 product branded as Yamaha. Same with the Yamaha product I worked on.
I don't know if Helix 2 will exist, based on what I read on TGP.
Line6 rebuilt Helix core and 3.2 redesign may improve the sound and give a "new youth" to the units.
I second that , it really cool great info Classy and IMO he has the patience of a saint especially w that hot tub guy that is convinced they are going to launch Helix 2 in a matter of months
Sorry the-trooper and DI , it is not a question, just my humble opinion about GTR37 post (I agree with).
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