Did JNC just get PWNED by JHS???

I think Paul Davids has a nice sweet spot. He always cared about the video quality, he has some really nice playing but also good explanations around things. He was able to stay away from a lot of the easy click bait misssteps and has not really become a gimmick.
Well… he is. :rofl

true. He has always been sloppy with that. I remember the early videos. The content and topics has always been good (not great) sprinkled with actual nice playing and stuff. But looks… nah… that’s not his game. Never been. I let it slide because of his personality.

Imo when a YouTuber has really good content the looks is secondary. I hate when people make professional looking stuff that has no whatsoever real or genuine story/content
Of course. Content > quality. I’m just saying he could learn how to set the focus of his camera, and buy a decent light off of Amazon. 😂
IMO, anyone doing the "______ sucks as a player" while not being able to play remotely close to the same level as the player their bashing is giving a full on display of Dunning Kruger.

Very true. My wife says I really suck at guitar but she would not be able to find the C chord.
Yeah, I’m still waiting for Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert to release their own Hollywood blockbuster after criticizing film all those years.


I don’t think this is an equal comparison to a guitarist critiquing another guitarist. Those guys aren’t filmmakers and while I’ve never watched a single critique of theirs, I’d imagine the dialogue/plot/acting took far more critique than things like cinematography, lighting or anything involving the technical side of movie making.

They’re no different than music critics from Rolling Stone or whatever publication, IMO.

And I’ve worked in restaurants far too long and dealt with guests critiquing food when they have the palate of a 3-year old to give any credence to that analogy. “A good steak isn’t supposed to be fatty, this is terrible” and they ordered a ribeye, bitching about prime ribs and filets after requesting they’re cooked well done, crying about the bourbon marinade “tasting like alcohol”, or people melting down over finding a vein in their chicken breast as if it wasn’t a living animal at one point.

They can certainly verbally voice their opinion, but there’s definitely a line where that opinion carries zero weight and is without merit.
I don’t think this is an equal comparison to a guitarist critiquing another guitarist. Those guys aren’t filmmakers and while I’ve never watched a single critique of theirs, I’d imagine the dialogue/plot/acting took far more critique than things like cinematography, lighting or anything involving the technical side of movie making.

They’re no different than music critics from Rolling Stone or whatever publication, IMO.

And I’ve worked in restaurants far too long and dealt with guests critiquing food when they have the palate of a 3-year old to give any credence to that analogy. “A good steak isn’t supposed to be fatty, this is terrible” and they ordered a ribeye, bitching about prime ribs and filets after requesting they’re cooked well done, crying about the bourbon marinade “tasting like alcohol”, or people melting down over finding a vein in their chicken breast as if it wasn’t a living animal at one point.

They can certainly verbally voice their opinion, but there’s definitely a line where that opinion carries zero weight and is without merit.
I agree, and I’m hungry now.
What about Robert Baker? Or is he cool?
My favorite of his video was “Do Gibson guitars go out of tune” or something like that. He’d tune up, play for 30 seconds and then check tuning. He was trying to prove they don’t but they did go out of tune every time. “Good enough for Rock n Roll” he’d say. 😂
Lets me honest here. There’s only one YouTube channel that everyone loves and no one can say anything bad about.

I went pretty heavy on my pedal building YouTube channel for a couple years. Made about $50 after spending a couple grand on equipment. It’s not easy. In the end, I don’t envy those that make a living either building pedals or making YouTube videos.
I wish guitar players would go back to pushing T shirts to make a buck, instead of pushing "content" or "content about content" or "content about content about content"

die kill me GIF by South Park

I was reading a post on this and the current state of music is making it impossible for younger artists. Even live shows now venues are taking a huge chunk of merch sales! Headliners have to pay for their crew and a ton of other costs up front. When the venue get half of merch too and all drink sales then there’s no way a small to mid size band will have success. On top of all the other costs of touring, and not seeing any revenue from album sales anymore.

Meanwhile a social media channel can generate a stream of revenue that doesn’t have a ton of overhead. So no wonder artists are moving more in that direction.
I just stumbled on a Facebook post about Vertex awful history and holy crap I will never watch another second of his crap. What a shady character. I love that Joe B called him out for his BS too.

The Vertex saga is probably my favorite gear-drama to pop up. I watched that one go down in real time, checking threads daily as people un-gooped the truth one component at a time as Mason kept doubling down, right up until the very end. Each day there’d be a new discovery.

What I find extremely interesting is that the OG thread on TGP seems to have been deleted. It was still there last year and would pop up whenever Googling ‘vertex pedal controversy”. Following links to it via Reddit or other forums just brings up a blank, white page. Totally not shady at all.